BioLab chemical plume blanketing Conyers, hear update from officials Tuesday

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A chemical cloud has been emanating from Conyers since Sunday, when a fire broke out at the facility of a company that makes pool and spa treatments and sprinkler system water reacted with chemicals on site. The city of Conyers was evacuated, the wider Rockdale County was put under shelter-in-place guidance and surrounding counties for a time reported the smell of chlorine and a haze in areas.

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There is a huge gap in communication with the public. There are way too many people involved for simple hourly updates not to be
• Who is the incident commander or director?
• Why is there a large plume still emanating from the plant?
• What is the plume consisting of? (We can all smell the chlorine gasses but what else)
• What is the PEL limit of those gases – (legal airborne permissible exposure limit)
• What is the toxicological information on those gases?
• How many times are we taking readings and where?
• Is there still a mandatory evacuation in place?
o If so, what areas?
• Is the dust / residue from the fire in surrounding areas toxic?
o If so, how should it be mitigated?
This is just a few of the things they should be communicating


Biolab execs need to serve time in jail for this.


Is there not an evacuation notice? In Texas, when a gas company had a leak, sirens went off and notices to stay in doors and air turned off, and window closed for safety reasons. What bio-chemicals are they breathing? My prayers are with you all.


Lawsuits are coming!! Great job for how this situation was handled.


The fact that you keep referring to them as a PARTNER is very concerning 💥


These other YouTube channels like Fox not allowing comments on their stories is bs, if they tell you to stay indoors it means it’s time to go! Get out of the area!


It was in Milledgeville this morning, smelled very poisonous everywhere, thought it was fog but it was smoke.


I’m having some major respiratory issues from this and the official communication is all over the place. Is it dangerous or not? It’s affecting more than one county, but only Rockdale seems to care.


Does anyone know where this plume of smoke has moved today? I can’t find this information on the Rockdale government website.


This situation could have been entirely avoided if Chief McDaniels fire department would have know what they were trying to put out first. With water reactive chemicals stored in the warehouse, treating the fire with water should have been avoided at all costs. We would not be in this situation if the fire department knew what kind of fire this was. I hope fire department training can be advanced to local fire departments.


If yall believe that, you are crazier than jarles Manson. I'm from Covington, but know I live in the FT Olgathorpe are. That's over 200 miles away. For reference, yall, I'm 10 from Chattanooga, 20 minutes to the TN River and the aquarium. We git air quality warnings late yesterday, around 6 PM. Let me say, covid took my smell, so I couldn't smell, but my neighbor could. The air IS NOT SAFE. If you can leave, do so. Get plastic sheeting and heavy duct tape and tape over your windows and doors. Is that excessive? Probably, but can you really be excessive when it come to the health of you and your family? Our air has cleared. But yall still got a few days to deal with this. It appears that yalls major is taking this serious. But he can only relay what he is allowed to give. Take caution. Take care. And we in North GA are praying. My family and friends are still in that area


WTF does youtube have to do a damn AD for emergency response stuff, sick sick sick!


Is this blowing east, west, north or


Air smelled like melting circuit boards.


Did East palestine have smoke linger this long this low?


My" LORD " if your legally trying to cover the city from the mass of law suits, you should have gotten more informed spokesmen & spokeswomen!!!


Invest in mask respirators, would'nt hurt for future accurances....
