Is Death Final? | Episode 1306 | Closer To Truth

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Is there life after death? Death is the ultimate defeat. No matter our successes, we are all doomed to suffer the final failure. But some claim that death is not final. Can the defeat be defeated? Featuring interviews with Gregory A. Boyd, John Hick, Deepak Chopra, Warren Brown, and Eric Steinhart.

Season 13, Episode 6 - #CloserToTruth

Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn takes viewers on an intriguing global journey into cutting-edge labs, magnificent libraries, hidden gardens, and revered sanctuaries in order to discover state-of-the-art ideas and make them real and relevant.

Closer to Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

#AfterLife #Death
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Closer To Truth is broadcast on PBS stations. You can also watch Closer To Truth online at or on our YouTube channel.

This is Episode 6 of Season 13, first aired on PBS stations in 2014.


I miss my father but he used to say that death was an adventure and that we must approach it as such. So I try to do that and just hope that he and the others gone ahead of me are all a part of my future adventure too.
I wish the same for you too.


In 1982 I had a head on collision whilst driving on a highway. The cars stopped each other where they collided, both doing 100 km/h. My injuries were catastrophic and I was told I died, twice during hospitalisation. This afforded me a NDE which was profound. Yes I had the archetypal NDE the tunnel, brilliant light and a feeling of absolute love and care. I was very much myself throughout the whole thing and I was aware of ‘people’ around me who had my wellbeing at heart. I argued strongly that I was not finished yet. Actually argued is not quite right, it was a passionate discussion. I needed to return to my life. These ‘entities’ argued that my life would be hard if I went back but I didn’t care. I saw no heaven or hell or any such thing, and I saw no faces. It was all a telepathic sort of discussion, as if i were all in a place without vision. They were patient with me and respectful. Immediately I woke up back in my life. I was in a hospital with people working on me and a nurse put her face close to me, I could see her though I didn’t know for weeks that my head was like a basketball and my eyes were puffy slits. I said to her, ‘ do you have anything for pain, this is really starting to hurt.’ A week or so later I awoke in a hospital bed. My jaw was wired shut and I slowly became aware of my situation. There were tubes hanging out of me in various locations and when I tried to move I realised I was very badly injured. My wife was told at one point, that if I lived the night I would never be anything more than a vegetable. Later she was told I would never walk again. It took a year before I could stand again and it’s quicker to list what I didn’t break or damage, or lose. But I did walk again, and I went on to be the manager of some extremely large construction projects. Sure I have on going issues, I was left with chronic pain. At the time doctors told me I would have a headache for two years. Well it’s been around forty years now, and I have a lot of other pain. My standing joke is, I have only ever had one headache in my life - mind you, it lasted the whole of my life. Boom, boom ! I have never been a religious man, though I explored many religions in my youth. To me religion is a construct, like money or grammar. It provides a lot of people with comforting thoughts and provides a lot of people with a very nice living, without having to get a real job. There is no heaven or hell, there is no evil, just things we really don’t like done to us or others. So now I am approaching seventy years old, having crashed my car at twenty one years old. Yes, life can be tough, but it was worth every moment of coming back. What I came to understand is that we are always ourself, no matter what. There are many universes and more dimensions to discover. Primarily we just keep being re-inserted into new lives. Why? We are learning about ourselves, we are experiencing a vast thing so that we can comprehend the positions of others. We are growing with each experience and we are absolutely meant to be here. We are made of the same stuff that the universe is made from. We are an intrigal part of it all, but we are ourselves. We never lose that, whatever we are doing. Take the ride, stop worrying and rise above the petty fears and jealousies. Stop harming others and show them some compassion. Show some love and enjoy it. Smell the flowers, feed the animals and the joy will make you happy.


Are there this many ads in the afterlife?


I miss my father, he was a beautiful soul i know that his energy is preserved in universe - it is constantly supporting me


A zen master was once asked what happens after death and he replied, “I don’t know.” His questioner was taken aback, and said, “but you’re a zen master: you MUST know.” The zen master smiled and answered back, “yes, but I’m not a dead zen master.”
Until it happens, we do not know.


I love how Mr. Kuhn approached this subject: Almost with my exact POV, asking questions and making statements I would have. I was enthralled for the entire episode, and felt it ended far too quickly.


When my father died in my arms, looking into my eyes I saw an energy, a beautiful golden light in his eyes that slowly faded as he passed. Its very hard to describe but Ill never forget it. It moved up and out of his body and gave me a feeling that it would always exist but somewhere else.


I think Deepak has the right idea- we cling to all the things we identify ourselves with but in moments of presence we not only still feel like/are ourselves but in such a more incredible and infinite way


i struggle with Death Anxiety. I wasn't sure if i was going to be able to watch this video without having an anxiety attack, but it was actually a very interesting pleasant video. I can completely related to your want/need to be YOU. Resurrection is what think I want as well, but I would be ok with a transformative aspect and just be able to remember who I was.. if that makes any sense.


It is not scary to die...
It is scary to face your loved one death.


I'm so glad that Closer to Truth is still getting posted. Such an essential series.


This was so great. I love Robert's interjections between Deepak's explanations.


I used to be an autopsy assistant, and, while preparing the body for the autopsy, I very often felt a sense of awareness- that the consciousness of the deceased was in the room, lingering, following the death of the body. This perception was so real to me, that it has contributed to my belief that consciousness does continue, after the death of the physical body.


When a guy strolls though an old English cemetery in a black know for sure he's talkin' bout somethin' serious.


I’m very glad to have discovered this series, Mr. Kuhn. The films are beautifully made, your narrative is splendidly written, the questions you pose and the topics you discuss and the great brilliant guests you somehow get to appear in the videos, are precisely those I’m fascinated by (unless you don’t cover extraterrestrial life, and I don’t yet know that you do). Thank you. Much appreciated. Keep up the excellent work.


My parents knew they were going to die. My dad withdrew money a couple weeks before he died to help pay bills after he went. My mom a few months before she died she started talking in past tense. One day she said to me, "We had a hard time didn't we?" Oh man, that tore me up because I grew up troubled. Anyhow I was with her when she died


Love it when the living tells you what death is.


This topic, hell, this channel in general, represents the highest form of consciousness achievable. In other words, I mean to say that the contemplation of consciousness is the highest form of consciousness. The irony here is that, by contemplating the finality of death, one comes to add more meaning to life. It is amazing to see this spread out through our existence in a fractal manner. The great benefit of the Apollo program was not knowledge about the moon, it was the ways in which we enriched our society to get there. The summit of the mountain is not the great triumph, it is the overcoming of personal struggle on the way up. "Have we vanquished an enemy? None but ourselves.". Have we figured out if death is final? No, but we have given more meaning to life.

I love this channel.


I lost my soulmate this past September, if we are not ever together again then life is the cruelest thing to ever of happened....
