UPOL Fantastic Glass UP0293 vs Bondo Hair Long Strand Fiberglass Filler

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Hey guys, in this video, I demonstrate a relatively new product by UPOL, their Fantastic Glass UP0293 fiberglass filler. I've been wanting to try it out, and I'm shocked with the differences between this and Bondo Hair fiberglass filler. I've never been a big fan of Bondo, but I bought the fiberglass product because it was on sale several months ago. Well, you get what you pay for. I'll never make that mistake again! But you'll be surprised to see what I have to say about the Fantastic Glass product. Have you used this before? What is your favorite fiberglass filler? Let me know in the comments!

The "clumpiness" is because the Bondo is a long hair and the UPOL is not, and as stated by others, you have to mix it better/differently to be sure it hardens evenly I use gloves and just get in and dirty with it, you have to press it more than spread it, , , long hair does not "spread"... I do love the UPOL product and use them extensively.... but the bondo long hair is very strong and will not crack like some of the other glass reinforced filler...


I also the fantastic glass from upol, and yes it does mix and spread much better. I’ve been using upol products for a couple of years now, and have no complaints with their body working products.


Upol has some great products, especially for the money. I LOVE their Raptor coating. I try to stay away from "Bondo" branded products whenever possible. Of course, anything Evercoat makes tends to be great but is usually quite pricey. However, about two months ago, I needed just a couple of skim coats of filler and had used up my gallon container of Rage Gold. I ran to either Autozone or O'Reilly and got a quart of "Evercoat Body Shop Gold Filler", mainly because I didn't need that much and those stores were much closer than my paint supplier. I found this stuff to be awesome. Mixed great, good consistency, and sanded very easily with very few pinholes.


I've used upol's Fantastic Glass 4 times now, and it definitely spreads like butter. But every time I've used it, I had to wait until the next day to sand, because it wasn't tack free in 20-30 minutes. First time I figured the outside humidity was the issue, so tried it again after humidity had been low for a few days. Still tacky for 18 hours. Tried again using extra hardener, same thing. Tried again with warmer air temp and extra hardener, same thing. Idk, but Dyna Glass didn't do that, and neither did Bondo (original). I'm a beginner, so I may be doing something wrong, but I don't like having to wait that long, so I'm trying something else. I heard EverCoat is pretty good premium filler.


I need a good new glass for a project coming up so this is perfect 👍👍👍👍


the bondo hair is difficult, but the stuff will repair my garden tools, ax, pick ax, and hammers. it a solid chemical. don't throw the stuff out


Glad I watched this video! Thanks for the info!!


Sorry but I’m not a fan of the upol glass I feel it’s like oily seeming as if it’s slippery so mixing it is weird compared to regular filler I also noticed the adhesion while spreading is trash. Ik it’s still wet but still there’s adhesion is fillers that help it stick to the panel this did not want to at all it just keeps smearing right off


Well, so I noticed that my O'Reilly is no longer stocking the Bondo Glass, which should be the comparable product to the Upol Fantastic Glass. After watching your video, I DEFINITELY feel a lot better about trying out the Upol. I've tried their glaze spot putty, and I wasn't crazy about it. But you've convinced me to try this stuff.
Thanks for sharing!
...btw, as far as parts stores go, O'Reilly is the ONLY place for PBE (paint and body), their selection is outstanding. (Not including specialty stores)


I just got a gallon of upol fantastic and I like it better than 3m and i don't think I can tell the difference between the upol and evercoat its a full gallon and it sands really well too


Do you think this product would work for adhering a metal screen onto fiberglass? I know it's a bit of an odd question but I came into possession of two very old fiberglass reptile enclosures from a company called Glas'Technic which no longer exists and I've been working on repairing them. Part of these repairs involve the screens on the tops of the enclosures where light fixtures are supposed to go. I can't have my snakes getting themselves poked and scratched up on bits of broken screen so I tore the old ones out and now I'm trying to figure out how to stick the new ones on. It doesn't have to look good since the spot they'll be attached to is usually hidden and is already made of unpolished fiberglass (idk if that's the right term but it's not smooth like the front-facing parts of the enclosures). I actually found your video because I was going to use Bondo for this job but now I'm not so sure.

I understand that this is probably not something you've done before but I can hardly find any evidence of these fiberglass reptile enclosures ever existing online, let alone info on how to repair them. Seems like car guys are the true champs of fiberglass DIY and probably my best hope for advice on this.


Please tell me is the kitty hair is the fiberglass mat? I just bought the Upol fantastic and the fiberglass mat, do I spread the upol mixture thinly for a glue to put the mat down then spread the rest over it? I’m doing my own rocker panels on a 2001 Toyota Sienna and it’s worth preserving because of the strong engine it has. A girl at the store I bought it from says to approach it like drywalling and don’t over think it. I’m trying not to but there are so many ways of doing this I’m second guessing myself.


Carlton shooting his shots at bondo... L😅L. I use upol too. Great product. Their 2/part glaze is great for final finish.


How thick is it okay to apply it? 1/4 inch??


Stir your product ! Not saying i use bondo brand anything, but never had issues like that when i have.


Use to be called fibre all. They just changed the name
