ISTJ Defined: What It Means to be the ISTJ Personality Type

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The ISTJ personality type has been dubbed as the “logistical Inspector” and “logistician”. Estimated at around 10% of the population, they are among the more common personality types in the #MBTI —and thankfully so. People of this type are the salt of the earth. Duty-bound and earnest, the #ISTJ is often found in the cornerstone positions of society.


ISTJs are the sweetest. They might come off as cold and distant but deep down they are the most sensitive and thoughtful people. My boyfriend is an ISTJ, so is my ex. They are responsible and will value honesty and loyalty out of everything. They show their love, not through words (unlike me ENFP), but through service. They do chores for you when they see you tired because they care for you. Or even go as far as finding solutions to your problems.

They are misunderstood because they don't openly communicate their deep emotions.


They say ISTJs are the most common type but I barely seen another ISTJ like me


Finally someone made a video for istj’s🥺


Damn now I understand why people think i am selfish.


ISTJ-T here. At work I'm totally organized, workdesk is neat and clean, myself and my clothes are clean and I work by the rules we have at work. At home though....chaos chaos chaos and I'm lacking the strength to get rid of the home chaos 😞


Istjs: math science law business
Me as an istj: an art student😀 graphic designer to be exact


ISTJ is kind of like the GIVER in the book by Lois Lowry, holding all the experiences of the past, warning people in the present to prepare for possible outcomes in the future. Feeling separate from the general population who is too distracted by trends/norms to recognize nor prepare against imminent threats. It's important to note, that while ISTJs are "traditionalists/by the book" if they recognize something happening that is similar to a historical event or something they don't find logical even though it's a "law, company policy, order from an authority figure, etc." they will speak out against it because they want to warn others that if that law/policy is enforced, it will result in a negative outcome.


I'm hardcore ISTJ. These are some things that annoy me at work. Using emotions to solve a problem. Thinking it's not a big deal when deadlines are missed. Not having a plan to resolve an issue. Beating around the bush. Not being open and honest with communicating what you're think. Taking all criticism, even when meant well, as against you personally. Not following policy or procedure, especially when that policy or procedure makes sense and has been agreed upon.


INFJ here, ISTJs.
You expose the best and the worst parts of me. Give me no choice but to quit the bullshit. And for that I have an immence respect.
Your critique will always be the most valueble, piercing through all my games and hitting me right in the soul.
ISTJs, to me you are mindblowing and I will always trust you for guidance.


ISTJ-A here. I work as an analyst so I am "by-the-book" kind of person who prefers to work alone as much as possible. I may be an introvert, but I tend to talk a lot to the people I feel comfortable with. I am not a shy person, I just don't like to put myself in any situation that (I think) is uncomfortable and unreasonable.


Yall just gonna act like y'all ain't just see Mr. Clean in some white skinny jeans and an undershirt doing the shimmy with a mop tho....


I’m ISTJ I loathe math but I love history and use it to guide my life. Also ISTJ’s are probably the most loyal and honest!


I love that the video mentioned ISTJ's taking particular interest in history. I'm an ISTJ and also a raging history buff


in am INFJ with an ISTJ husband. We are opposite in few aspects but this is the best thing! We basically complete each other and there is so much mutual understanding and respect it's a bit scary sometimes. Sometimes we feel like we are telepathic too.


We are orderly and dutiful but ain't robots (forget the stereotypes). We do it for a core purpose. Somethings must not be messed and should be kept moving, the rest all chaos takes place in order. And we must make sure the main things work in order. And we do crave enjoying and fun but on a scheduled and timely basis (not for a long time).


Pretty weird how ISTJ’s are considered the “most common” MBTI type yet I rarely see any videos about us being made.


Wow, what an eye opening video. Now I understand why my workplace upsets me so, why I dread going to work (to the point of crying my way to work) why I feel burnt out & depressed - everything about my workplace is diametrically opposed to my one seems to care about the details, people skate by doing the bare minimum (If not less), there's virtually NO communication, policies, procedures & rules are applied haphazardly & often dependent upon who you are & how well you're liked instead of how well you perform & those who do break rules or don't perform up to standards never seem to be disciplined for it.


I’m an enfp that have an ISTJ as my good friend. Didn’t know that an istj can be so warm and kind. I was shocked to found out my friend’s mbti :0


This accurately describes my INTJ partner. He’s the most responsible worker at his job (in logistics!) and his hard work often goes unnoticed. He really values following written rules; he will NOT drive after having just 2 beers lol, and will avoid calling out if it isn’t within enough days in advance (he never calls out). He’s very dutiful and takes his role as provider for our family/father very seriously. Very organized and type A. Quiet in expressing his love, but does so by “showing up” and displaying loyalty. His greatest interest, hands down, is learning about history. His demeanor is reserved, but he can be playful and silly with his loved ones once comfortable


ISTJ: 'logistical Inspector'. Me: programs Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) machines in an electronics manufacturing production line and analyzes inspection accurate its scary.
