The sideways sunglasses are from a conflict between YUP and FCO usually. There’s a small patch on nexus for it.
I was waiting for the legion to throw up the actual roman salute
ncr soldier watching legion soldier solute the courier after soluting him
That last legionary looked like he was about to hug you, what a considerable amicus
Wish the salute was a bit snappier, like “oh shit it’s the courier!” *Snaps to a quick salute*
The Legionnaires think they're King Baldwin 😭
Lol idk why the sunglasses look like that. My game is like that too. Ig it doesn’t bother me enough to try to fix it
NCR: Professional, Stiff, Militaristic
Legion: Eyyy! Up high! Gimme five bud!
I had the original NCR Salute mod and I love that someone immediately went to work making both mods ESPless
Now they need a mod for when a King greets you in Freeside you have option to dab them up.
It's a sad that the Legion doesn't fully extend its hand
Cool, i already had the NCR one, but didn't know a Legion alternative also existed, pretty nice.
Was hoping for an actual Roman salute. Sadly, we just got some King Baldwin gestures LARPers do online
I'm gearing up for a new playthrough, thanks for showing off all of these neat mods. It's going to be a fun one for sure.
Fnv makes courrier a dream job for the legionaire and ncr troops
Uh oh is it the historicaly accurate Roman salute 😂
I’m just glad they didn’t use the “Oath of the Horatii” by Jacques Louis as reference for Caesar’s Legion salute
I tried the NCR salute one, they kept saluting mid dialogue and it made waking up sleeping Npcs awkward and slow
Ahhh. The american education system shows a lot here. If they truely paid attention in history class they would've known the difference between a roman salute and a heil salute.
I seriously was just embarrassed for those that didn't even know. If anything. Shocked and disappointed.
Why are they saluting with their left hand though? Didn't the Romans saluted with their right hand, or is the mod uploader afraid of getting banned on Nexus?😅