Deepak Chopra on Humanity's Insanity and the Power of Joy | The Chris Cuomo Project

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In this week’s episode of The Chris Cuomo Project, Deepak Chopra, M.D. (founder, The Chopra Foundation, and co-author, “Living in the Light”) joins Chris for an extensive conversation about why joy must be one’s measure of wellbeing and success, how he’s come to believe humans are an insane species and modern culture is at the peak of its insanity, why everybody in the world is a narcissist, how the world would be better if politicians expressed a sense of humor, why artists are the conscience of society, and much more.

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0:00 Intro
3:08 Interview with Deepak Chopra, M.D.
54:18 What do you think?

#cuomo #chriscuomo #newsnation #deepakchopra #joy #wellbeing #humanity
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I Finally got to listen to this … wow wow wow wow wow!!!! Everyone on planet earth should listen to this!!! Fabulous Master with a humbled Student asking the important questions … for us can’t help but feel uplifted and full of love after tuning in to this stellar interview with Dr. Chopra! Had to take a walk and go outside watch a spectacular sunrise and soak up some nature and gratitude for life … ❤ 🙏 Thanks Chris … You did it again … knocked it out of the ball park! 🙏 🤗 Namaste everyone!


Deepak, as a spiritual traveler for most of my 67 years, I couldn’t agree with you more. It is frustrating to see how world over, how our focus on baseness, “us vs them”, and “I, me, mine” mentality, we are. Chris, thank you for creating this very important and useful space on YouTube. I wish you all the best on the Project’s continuing success. 😁


I cried tears for a variety of reasons. I am not a very articulate woman, and here DC articulated my thoughts and feelings on what it is and means to be part of our species. And living in and this mystery of life. Beautiful man. Beautiful human being. Live in joy, cause you only have one life


Chris you are glowing. You look more relaxed and happier. Whatever you're doing is working for you.


Wow!! Dr. Deepak Chopra's conversation with you, Chris, was wonderful and very insightful. Really made me think about where I am in stage of life. Dr. Chopra's views on life is simple but crucial in our well being. Loved it when he discussed about the importance of hip hop.😄 Thank you, Chris, for having him on the podcast. 👏👏 Please bring Dr. Chopra back again.


Thank you so much for this fabulous interview! The conversation was so interesting and informative. This has been a wonderful way to start my day! Love from Vermont


Great show I hope you have this man on again it was a very relaxing. Nice way to start the day listening to him and you of course have a great day.


Chris thank you for bringing the great man to us to share his wise and astonishing views. Not what I would have expected from the teacher I have followed for decades. You continue to bring us, on all your platforms, valuable and thought provoking contact. Appreciate you!


So great to hear from Deepak Chopra! Enormous insight and wisdom. Thank you.


Wow, what an insightful conversation.
Fun, lighthearted, and all that despite the litany of our self destructive and self-serving interests.
This needs to be required viewing for every person of authority (and not ) the world over.


What a great interview with Deepak Chopra! Thank you for having him on Chris. It was delightful to hear him and to hear your questions to him. I love listening to his guided meditations.


"Presentation is important!" What a sweet interview. Excellent variety of topics in a joyful conversational flow.


This was a good conversation. Thanks from Belgium, the speckle on the dust particle in the universe.


Excellent interview with surprises! Lol. I’ve followed you both but Deepak longer. Laughs and scratching my head a bit. The best part tho for me was the look on Cuomo’s face when Chopra referenced Freud and Putin’s impotency traits (so to speak) 😮. Best laugh all day. Found this piece very insightful and enjoyable. Gratitude to you both. 🙏🏼


What a wonderful conversation. Thanks Chris!💙💛💙💛


This is one of the best interviews with Deepak. He is comfortable in his skin . He is the pioneer in our century in spirituality and to open us of the link between physical and no physical . Thank you!


Thank you Chris for having Deepak on your show. Everyone needs to hear this interview, and adhere. Kisses to everyone.


Subscribing from London. Just watched the Chopra interview and absolutely loved it. Joy the key. Seeing/helping/making a baby/toddler laugh/smile the key to my wife Sandra and my regular coffee trips to a place called Chislehurst (with our books!) twice a week. One thought: maybe Bob Dylan should have been mentioned among the inspiring 'luminaries', especially as music and the arts were highlighted as opponents of what The Beatles called the 'Blue Meanies' (Tories in the UK). No one's done more than Dylan in this area, no one a freer agent. Good subject for the future? Maybe a Dylan expert to interview? Get George Orwell in there somewhere as well perhaps? Stay strong, CC!


Deepak is really deep, but simplistic. Much of his beliefs reflect tenets of the bible, which some revere so highly, but rarely live by.
Love, forgiveness, surrendering to what we don't understand. I worked in service most of my life because I felt it was making the world a better place, but I was unhappy. It wasn’t until I decided to pursue my art that I felt happier, freer, more fulfilled. I still question if those pursuits are making the world better, or are they just serving myself. I thought I would roll my eyes at this session, I thought Deepak was gonna spit all this scientific philosophy but it was pretty great! Thanks Chris!


Nice to see both of you together. I had a pleasure to see Deepak in Toronto, years ago. What a Experience.
