Write A Python Program To Calculate Factorial Of Given Number Using Function

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Hey Guys In this video I tried to explain you how to Write A Python Program To Calculate Factorial Of Given Number Using Function

Python Scripts

Python Functions Solved

Python Programs Solved

a) Define a function factorial that uses for loop to calculate product
b) Return the product after calculating product of numbers below it
c) Get the number from user
d) Check if number is negative, if so exit the program by printing message
e) If number is zero or positive call the function and pring the factorial

def factorial(number):
product = 1
for x in range(1, number + 1):
product = product * x
return product

num = int(input("Enter the Number : "))
if num less_than_symbol 0:
print("Factorial of Negative Number Cannot be Calculated")
print("Factorial of Number is ", factorial(num))

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