Clean Up Song + More | Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes | Dominoki

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Time to clean up? With Dominoki it is going to be very exciting. Where else can you see vacuum cleaners come alive? Let this kids’ song turn cleanup activities into real fun! Enjoy!

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0:00 Clean Up Song
2:01 Tikle Girle
3:29 Old MacDonald Had A Farm
5:21 Fruits and Vegetables
7:09 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
8:57 No No Mommy.


If we have pizza for dinner
Crumbs may fall on the floor
What can help us in this situation?
Do you know? O-o-o

Vacuum cleaner - hey, hey!
Vacuum cleaner - hey, hey!
It will take your mess away

If we have to sharpen a pencil
Shavings may fall on the floor
What can help us in this situation?
Do you know? O-o-o

Vacuum cleaner - hey, hey!
Vacuum cleaner - hey, hey!
It will take your mess away

If it gets windy outside
Leaves may come thru open windows
What can help us in this situation?
Do you know? O-o-o

Vacuum cleaner - hey, hey!
Vacuum cleaner - hey, hey!
It will take your mess away

If we have a birthday party
and use confetti poppers
What can help us in this situation?
Do you know? O-o-o

Vacuum cleaner - hey, hey!
Vacuum cleaner - hey, hey!
It will take your mess away

#kidssongs #nurseryrhymes #babysongs #more #Cartoon #bestkidssongs #cartoonsforkids #dominoki #cleanup #cleanupsong #ticklegirl #tickleman #oldmacdonald #oldmacdonaldhadafarm #fruitssong #headshoulderskneesandtoes #nonomommy

About us:

Dominoki is a kids’ music channel. Our characters - Mimi, Dodo, Nono, and Kiki - help preschoolers learn numbers, letters, colors, animal sounds, dance moves, and much more. More importantly, our songs educate children about such values as kindness, gratitude, and friendship. And we are doing our best to ensure that your little ones will have a lot of fun while watching our videos.
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