Vintage Star Wars - Collecting + Price Guide Books - Steve Sansweet Goodness!

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Vintage Star Wars - Collecting + Price Guide Books - Steve Sansweet Goodness!
In this video I take a look at my vintage Star Wars price guides and collectors guide books. All the classics are here including those early Steve Sansweet and Tomart books plus a couple of recent great guides!
Literally loads more boxes to come in the future.
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To buy vintage Star Wars comic books right now on eBay click here -
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#vintagestarwars #starwarsactionfigures #starwarscollecting
In this video I take a look at my vintage Star Wars price guides and collectors guide books. All the classics are here including those early Steve Sansweet and Tomart books plus a couple of recent great guides!
Literally loads more boxes to come in the future.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases you make on Amazon.
To buy vintage Star Wars comic books right now on eBay click here -
Some of the above links (including Amazon, eBay, Tube Buddy, Droix) are affiliate links that will earn me a small commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you, but really help the channel, so thanks!
#vintagestarwars #starwarsactionfigures #starwarscollecting
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