Animals That Asked People for Help & Kindness !

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Animals That Asked People for Help & Kindness. Best moments of 2022!

Sometimes animals find themselves in dangerous situations where they are in desperate need of a helping hand, like this thirsty camel, or this leopard with a pot stuck on its head. And there are many more occasions where an animal's only chance of survival is the help from a kind human. Today, we’re going to show you moments where animals asked people for help, and it will break your heart. This will definitely restore your faith in humanity!

Music by Approaching Nirvana
Song: Mount Olympus

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We don’t also need people like this, we need to BE like this.


To everyone that sacrifices their time, money, hearts and even risks their lives to save the lives of animals in need, you have my eternal heartfelt gratitude. People like you make this world a better place and I wouldn't want to live here without you kind souls. Thank You! From the bottom of my heart Thank You!


2:21 was a warm moment. He was genuinely happy to have saved the monkeys life.


2:55 the Sloth reaching out to thank him was amazing. This vid was very emotional.


2:26 The joy that man expressed at the monkey being resuscitated...I felt that so much. What a kind man


The one about the man saving that pigeon was so heartwarming. I don’t know anyone who would risk their lives like that for a pigeon. I love pigeons, and I wish more people did. Small and/or annoying animals deserve as much care and kindness as any other animal.


That puppy one on the train tracks... that poor little guy 😭 I'm so glad he's in a happy loving home. Hopefully he is living happy, healthy and loved


God this made me tear up I am so happy these animals were saved and I thank the people who risked their own lives to save them. Thank you to all those people. I wish the rest of the world can show this compassion for each other.


I was in tears when I watched this.😢 People who have the courage to save an animal's life are legends.


People who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the animals life bless you ❤


It appears there is hope for humanity after all. All these acts of bravery and kindness is just simply amazing. This world we share, with all creatures great and small, is much better with people like these helping others who cannot always help themselves. We need more people like this and we all need to be a voice for animals. All animals.


Watching the firefighter take care of that kitten was so touching. And the guys who saved the pigeon, holy crap! Most people wouldn't think to care about one little bird.


That first clip was exactly how I got my dog. I was walking by a huge garbage dump and this lil puppy was lying there completely hairless and on the verge of dying. I didn't pay attention to it and got on with my day. The next day I walked by and it was still there. I picked it up with one hand and took it straight to a vet. My dog lived a happy 13 years.


Whenever I see an animal on the side of the road I always slow down. I've found a few that were able to be saved, and it's always an incredibly humbling experience. It sometimes takes almost no effort on the part of a human to make all the difference in the world to an animal, and I'm so grateful there are so many good people out there who are willing to make that effort.


I was about to start crying for the whole video... Thanks to all those people with big, kind hearts!


Every single clip was so precious, but I had to pause right after the momma Sloth got her baby back. The way she just cradled the wee Slothling close and protectively was so so pure. Gave me tears. Animals know love for sure. And I'm glad the wild ones don't eat or attack their saviors. <3 I also loved the Elephant leaders' raise of the trunk in thanks. They are extremely intelligent animals.


3:08 that man at the bottom deserves a great hug and applause. The way he fell down and no one helped him.


If I met these people, I would say thank you for saving these animals life.


I love that there are still lots of good people left in this world.


This is so wholesome 🥹 I cried so much in this video. This is what humans should be doing. My mom also saved a stray dog from dying of hunger. The dog was on the street barely breathing. My mom saved him and made him her pet. Everyday when she goes to work the dog is there and waiting for her. Even though she doesn't work there anymore, the neighbours feed him everyday. I and my mom appreciate them a lot for feeding him.
