A Short Bible Reflection : James 1:2-4 Why is it a joy when suffering?

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James 1:2-4

Dear brothers and sisters, When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Notice James says "consider it Joy". He doesn't say "feel Joy" Why? because it is not fun when we are suffering, right?
So why did he say "consider it an opportunity for great joy"? James is not speaking of this life but of our next life. It's about eternal perspective.

Further, notice in verse 4 - he said "needing nothing". This doesn't make sense at all if we see it from the earthly perspective. We need everything here! So we have to see it from God's eternal perspectives

When we endure trials or suffering in this life, we give ourselves the opportunity to be sanctified or perfected in our spiritual maturity. We count it as joy because the Lord has granted us a tremendous opportunity for rewards later beyond this life.

Did you notice that God never says "avoid trials or run away from difficulties"?. He says "endure the trial". So whether we like it or not, it is in His will, He allows it. Did you know that?.

So it is wrong to think that the moment we accept Jesus Christ, our problems and suffering will go away. Or when we do good, we will not face suffering. God allows us to suffer for some eternal good either for ourselves or for somebody else like them receiving salvation. That is a mature understanding of suffering

Credits :
Introduction Song : Aaron Kenny - Cocktail hour
Fill-in song : Uplifting background song
Animation : JHodiny
Bible verse : BibleGateway
Verse by verse Ministry
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