Ask God for Understanding & The Case of Doubting Thomas

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The Resurrection Account - John 20:1-10 | Luke 24:1-12
Jesus Reveals Himself to Two Followers - Luke 24:13-35
Jesus Appeared to the Disciples (1st Time) [not including Thomas] - Luke 24:36-49
Jesus and Thomas - John 20:26-29

Tomb visitors say that Jesus' body was not in His tomb and they did not believe that He had risen until two men gave them understanding/revealed it to them. When tomb visitors told the disciples that Jesus was not in His tomb, they had not believed the scriptural account of the resurrection...(Luke 24:1-12)

The disciples did believe He had risen after Peter saw Jesus – also the followers who went to Emmaus shared their encounter with Jesus. The disciples belief of Jesus resurrection was confirmed further when Jesus appeared to them (when Thomas was not present)...(Luke 24:13-35)

When the disciples received confirmation from the followers to Emmaus and on Peter's account, Thomas was not present for that interaction. When the disciples told Thomas that Jesus had risen, Thomas did not understand the scriptures of His resurrection said that if he did not see Jesus and be able to feel his flesh, he would not believe.

Thomas should not have wanted to rely on personal physical confirmation when his brothers had already confirmed that Jesus had risen. Faith relies not on sight. However, the disciples too did not believe in the sisters' account of Jesus not being in His tomb.

Perhaps the true reason for Thomas wanting to see Jesus in the flesh was not “doubt” but was that he had either true understanding of the Scriptures in them predicting that Jesus would rise from the grave and he sought confirmation by sight believing that he would be able to see Jesus again himself, personally, on the third day OR he misunderstood and did not understand that Jesus was to return and therefore wanted confirmation that this was true beyond the account of the other disciples although the testimony of his brothers should have sufficed. Yes, Thomas doubted in that sense but the all before him had doubted as well.
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