Christian Prince Terbaru / Debat Ini Membuat Dia Setiap Minggu Beribadah Ke Gereja

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Christian Prince menunjukkan banyak dalil untuk membuktikan dia tidak menyembah Tuhan yang benar, dan akhirnya Uclim Ini menerima Tuhan Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan juru selamatnya, dan ini akan membuat dia Beribadah Ke Gereja setiap Minggu.

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I understand that Indonesia is one of the largest Muslims in the world.. But it seems many Muslims accepted Lord Jesus Christ as their savior. I can see that churches in Indonesia is growing so fast.. I have 3 amazing muslim friends in Facebook from Bali.. we never talk about the religion . After a long period of time of friendship, they surprised me that they are reverted to Christianity.. It makes me happy. Remember… we don’t hate Muslims.. I believe millions of Muslims the are good and amazing people.. but the books in their hands (Quran) that’s scares me .. May the Lord bless and keep us all. Stay safe and healthy my brothers and sisters in Indonesia.. love from the Philippines.. 🙏✝️🇵🇭❤️🇮🇩


Jika anda melihat yg tdk beres dlm kepercayan anda saat ini tetapi anda tdk sanggup meninggalkannya, dptkah anda memperbaikinya ?

Kl tak mampu, sia2 juga anda bertahan disitu.


Ternyata pertanyaanku di bahas di videonya cp, saya bertanya mana ayat yg menyatukan bulan setelah terbelah.saya bertanya pada sirifa dan si nandar, gak bisa jawab sampe sekarang


HalleluYah Terpujilah Tuhan Yesus Kristus Amin❤


terima kasih gaib, terima kasih tuhan allah, terima kasih tuhan allah maha besar, terima kasih kalam .


Perbedaan agama itu bukan utk diperdebatkan.... Jalani saja sesuai keyakinan masing2 individu


Nabi kok taqiah.Bulan terbelah harus nya bulan tinggal 1/2 dong .atau jadi 2 😀😀😀


TORAH Ulangan 21:22 "Apabila seseorang berbuat dosa yang sepadan dengan hukuman mati,   lalu ia dihukum mati, kemudian kaugantung dia pada sebuah tiang. 
21:23 maka janganlah mayatnya dibiarkan semalam-malaman pada TIANG itu, tetapi haruslah engkau menguburkan dia pada hari itu juga, sebab seorang yang digantung TERKUTUK oleh Allah; janganlah engkau menajiskan tanah yang diberikan TUHAN, Allahmu, kepadamu menjadi milik pusakamu."

TALMUD (Gittin 57a) “Yesus ada di dalam NERAKA, direbus dalam KOTORAN (tinja) panas”


apakah tidak ada saudara saudaraku muslim yang bisa mengalahkan CP ? Ayo para ustad dan


Haleluyah Adam meninggalkan ajaran lama yg menyesatkan dan memerima Jesus Tuhan dan juruselamat ya, Amin🙏🏻


Aku bisa jadi muslim, bisa jadi kristen, bisa jadi hindu, bisa jadi budha sekehendak hatiku
Karena agamaku adalah agama cinta.


Jangan berdebat dengan CP yang notabenenya belajar agama islam untuk mencari kesalahan dan menghujatnya. Karena orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang klo tidak masuk agama mereķa


Kej 2:2-3 Tuhan berhenti pada hari ketujuh yaitu Sabat (bukan minggu)
Kel 20:8 Ingat dan kuduskan lah hari Sabat (bukan minggu)
Yesaya 58:13 Jangan menginjak2 hari Sabat Tuhan (bukan minggu)
Matius 12:8 Yesus adalah Tuhan atas hari Sabat (bukan minggu)
Kisah 13:4 para rasul beribadah hari Sabat (bukan minggu)
Yoh 19:31 Yesus mati hari Jumat dalam kubur hari Sabat bangkit hari minggu

Tidak ada 1 perintah pun dalam Alkitab utk beribadah hari minggu.

Pertanyaan: kenapa banyak orang beribadah hari minggu?


Untuk apa berdebat ini itu sampai lupa sifat cintakasih yg seharusnya di berikan ke semua mahluk terlupakan? Bila melihat agama sebagai objek tdk akan memberikan cinta kasih utk semua... Bila melihat agama sebagai subjek sifat maka tdk melihat perbedaan antara semua mahluk... Perdebatan hanya akan menimbulkan kebencian... Jalani apa yg baik utk semua mahluk... Maka Tuhan akan menerima mu meskipun agamamu berbeda beda... Karena sifat Tuhan yg sebenarnya tdk memihak apa pun agamamu...




Ga pengaruh cp mau umat Islam mau otak Atik Islam hahhh cp cp mau nya apasih kafir hahajajaj ayat itu sudah di bahas sama ustad wafi .😂😂😂😂😂. Cp kabur. Ga bisa jawab


Nukklir rusia pun belum tentu bisa menghancurkan satu pelanet apa lagi hanya mengunakan pedang untuk membelah bulan mujijat lucu yang tidak punya nilai ilmu pengetahuaan nya (akademis)


Nyembah kolor ijo 😆😄😆😆😆 tiap Minggu hahaha 🤣🤣. Sesat Nyemabah dewa molok 🤣🤣🤣 kafir kafir cp 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣setuju cp pinter urutan dari belakang, bahas Al-Qur'an sok tahu, cuman baca terjemahan nya, koplak lu dul😭😭
Kalo debat dengan Dr. Zakir Naik itu baru lu koit 😭😭


Way to heaven

All are sinners in this world
All got hell
And there is a way to escape from hell

For example, a man committed a murder or stole something or did some sin then he got hell, and if he don't want hell, there is a way, if he want to escape from hell he have to sacrifice animals to God, he have to do sin offerings

For example, if a man killed then he got hell and if he sacrifices 5 bulls to God he don't go to hell or for steeling have to sacrifice 1 bull to God to save himself from hell.
I am not accurate about this sin offerings but if you want to know read Moses laws. - (Leviticus-4)

So this is one way to enter heaven tho one is sinner. By doing sin offerings to God by sacrificing animals.

But there is a problem in this way also because those who are doing animal sacrifice and sin offerings are not doing accurate animal sacrifices and going to hell.

Now again all got hell

God loves human so he gave another way for a sinner to escape from hell

God sent Jesus Christ to die like a sacrifice animal. And Jesus Christ did, he sacrificed himself.
Jesus christ lived in heaven and came to this world and lived like a human.
JESUS CHRIST came to die, to save humans . JESUS SAVES.

For example if a murder or a thief or a sinner want to escape from hell and want to get heaven, then he have to accept that Jesus Christ died for his sins.
It's just like he did correct sin offerings to God, so now he can escape from hell.

After accepting, Jesus sacrifice for us.
We have to live like him,
We have to follow this teachings,
We should not sin again after accepting JESUS CHRIST as SAVIOUR

Devil take even good people to hell which is a worst dangerous ugly place. i. e why, God take even sinners to Heaven which is best safe beautiful place.

So all are sinners so Jesus is the only way to heaven.

Death is not the end of life

Jesus Christ the saviour save humans from Devil and Hell

Now this is the only way to Heaven

Thank God and Jesus Christ

Quran It have good and bad, it have true and lie.. it is negetive and positive.
So it's a negetive book. Positive + negative = negetive.. Quran is a dead book and evil book..

We must seek the TRUTH more than being reglious..

Mohammad who's is a false Prophet say Torah and Bible are wrong and corrupted, Mohammad is not human like Jesus Christ but Jesus Christ is from God Almighty but Mohammad is from Devil Lucifer, he wrote AntiBible and Anti Torah, devil speak lies to take human to hell, devil is enemy of humans, it will appear like human.
All humans are not humans, there are three kind of humans some are devils some are angels and gods and some are true humans.
Jesus Christ say " be aware of the false prophets, they are wolf in the sheep clothes "
They look like humans but they are devil 😈
All humans are not humans some are gods some are devils and only some are humans.

When we die our body die but not our souls, God give those souls new body, with new body all humans souls have to live in heaven or hell .

Jesus saves

Read John 3:16 . Believe it.

This life is only for few days but the life we get after death is forever.
