Your Questions, Honest Answers

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Hear Pat Robertson tackle the tough questions on today’s “Your Questions, Honest Answers”.

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I would say to this young man to pray ask Almighty God to remove these thoughts, demons out of me over and over again! Ask family friends to also pray 🙏 for you too. Amen. You were created out of love return to loving you 😇


50. The churches that you see will incite the authorities, organisations … against us according to Revelation 12:15, but the male son, that is to say the wise virgins, will contain this assault. Halleluiah! What do we see on the head of that horseman of Revelation 19:11? Many diadems, not crowns of kings but diadems of queens, the virgins of Matthew 25. It is the moment when the pyramid of the seven ages on which I was standing in the vision of April 24, 1993 receives its Capstone.



Pray and show compassion/love for your son, Pray that your son experiences the Love of Jesus”. God will free your son, from this bondage like he has many others. Your son knowing that he’s loved first by Jesus and you is the most important at this moment. Keep believing for Victory for your son walking in freedom and living face to face with Christ seeing his true Identity as God’s son”. Thanks 700 club, God Bless!


People in this society are so confused. I think the answer to anything and everything is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He needs to know how much Jesus loves him and desires to have a relationship with him so he can have a realization of his purpose in life and an appreciation of how God created him. ☺


We are living in the last days for sure. But you can't change people only God can. This advice is not good in that regard. But to pray and seek God yes. Its like the people of God are really the minority and we are to focused on things not of God.


I am a young man looking for answers. If I walked into a church near me randomly do you think I would be well received?


Kc.28:2 And today, Ewald Frank and his suite meddle in the midnight Cry. And some Branhamist pastors like Ewald Frank even claim to be the midnight Cry. Becoming thus prophet messengers to better correct the prophet William Branham? The lightning of Matthew 24:27, after leaving the East and passing across France, Hungary, Germany, England, up to the West, has it returned to Europe? Because nothing good can come from Africa? Every child of God knows how Ewald Frank, this brilliant Methodist theologian has been a tool in the hands of Satan to pervert the ways of the Truth. And why? For which purpose? To destroy the evening time Message so that the Branhamists, that is to say Vashti, may be disgraced and that Memucan, the seventh prince who sees the king's face, the seventh heavenly messenger may promulgate the edict, the midnight Cry and that under the supervision of Hegai, eighth from amongst the seven chamberlains but who is not among the seven chamberlains of Esther 1:10. That is to say the seven earthly angels who are the seven chamberlains of Esther 1:10 … the edict, the midnight Cry, the Message of Matthew 25:6 may be proclaimed.


41. The prophet messenger is the representation of the North Star. But show me the North Star of which the Pope is the representative on earth. Show me the North Star of which the imams and ayatollahs are the representatives on earth. Show me the North Star of which rabbis are the representatives on earth. Show me that there is a star or a constellation of stars that does not revolve around Polaris. All the other stars around which you revolve have been cast to the earth since the war of Armagedon. There is not a constellation of stars for Islam revolving around an ayatollah in the heaven.


No the church can’t help. But your son needs help. He needs the facts but in the end his eyes won’t be open until he accepts the truth.


16. I, Prophet Kacou Philippe who speak to you, I am the disciple of none of the prophets of the Bible. If I say something and that it is in conformity with what Paul said, then so much the better. But humanity must acknowledge that the Bible is a memorial, it is ancient history and, I neither drive my car by the rear-view mirror nor do I lead my people by the Bible. You see? The Bible is the rear-view mirror of the Church and the living prophet is the windshield. It’s the living prophet who permits the whole crew to move ahead. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen"]. [Kc.100v21] [Kc.116v5]


Thats right. Have Bruce Jenner on your show. Its real sickening what Bruce Jenner has done to himself, to Jesus, & to his family.


Genesis 1:27 says so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them so we're both we start off as females and then two months into our birth we become either a complete Y chromosome and lose all of our ex or somewhere in between but that's for us God and y'all way to decide it says in Revelations 22:11 let the just remain just that the unjust remain unjust let the wicked remain Wicked and let the holy remain holy Revelations 4:11 says all things were created for them pleasure are all things in World things created smile create a gratitude list and don't be tempted if it's put in your face God gave it to you San Clemente accept it in the name of Jesus Amen Jesus Jehovah saves


I think it would be best to try to keep a cool head. But really sit down and talk to your son. There are a lot of YouTube testimonials of people later in life that have transitioned in their youth and regret it and transition back. However, I don't believe there is a reversal for bottom surgery. Also, once that surgery is completed, I think the functioning success rate is very low, meaning they don't have proper working sex organs. I think these people need a lot of love and listening, but also a good dose of reality. You can't change your DNA, no matter how many surgeries you have or how many hormones you take so you will never completely transition. Lots of prayers for all lives effected by this.


God has nothing to do with our choices. God gave us free agency. If identifies as a woman, then leave her alone.
