Green Belt Planning Appeal Welwyn Hatfield Council for Multipule Extensions

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Green Belt Planning Appeal Welwyn Hatfield Council for Multipule Extensions

The refusal reasons given by the Welwyn Hatfield Council were based around the increase being disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building and therefore represent inappropriate development in the Green Belt. That there would also be loss of Green Belt openness given the scale and location of the proposal. No very special circumstances exist to clearly outweigh this halm. Consequently the proposal development would conflict with policies GBSP1 and RA3 of Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005 and the National Planning Policy Framwork.

Welwyn Hatfield Council went on to say in a second paragraph, that the development would fail to complement and reflect the design and character of the dwelling, and not be subordinate in scale. Consequently, the proposal would represent a poor standard of design in conflict with, local policies D1 of the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan 2005, Supplementary Guidance 2005 and the National Planning Policy Framework.

These refusal reasons do look harsh if you are not used to reading local authority decision notices, but they are absolutely normal for this type of application refusal.

We at HEAL Planning have a lot of experience dealing with refusals in the Welwyn Hatfield Council area as these types of applications often gain refusals as their default position seems to be refuse if in Green Belt.

For this appeal we produced a 22 page detailed appeal statement, working our way through the delegated officers report and decision notice, dismantling their objections and the reasons Welwyn Hatfield Council used to refuse this application.

Providing a comprehensive and robust argument, bringing national and local policies into play, and detailed reasoning as to why the findings were wrong, and in-fact this development was perfectly acceptable.

Additionally we completed a detailed amount of research to find very similar cases, that the planning inspectorate had previously granted, and we looked to use these cases to support our argument as best possible.

As this appeal was a House Holder appeal the local authority, which in this case was the Welwyn Hatfield Council, did not have the right of response to our appeal statement.

This case like the vast majority of similar cases, was dealt with by way of Written Representation, and as such it is paramount that the argument is very comprehensive and robust from the start as there is no second chance to respond.

The inspector visited the appeal site on 12th April and issued the appeal decision on 6th May 2021 in a four page very detailed report.

The good news was that the appeal was upheld and the permission granted.

You can contact us at:
HEAL Planning
11 St Marys Place
Telephone: 01743 369911
#GreenbeltAppeal #PlanningAppeal #WelwynHatfield
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