what is yaml file in python

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yaml (yaml ain't markup language) is a human-readable data serialization format. it's often used for configuration files and data exchange between languages with different data structures. in python, the pyyaml library is commonly used to parse and generate yaml files.
before using yaml in python, you need to install the pyyaml library. you can install it using pip:
yaml uses indentation to represent the structure of data. it supports lists, dictionaries, and scalar values.
now, let's see how to read the above yaml file in python using the pyyaml library.
you can also create yaml files from python data structures.
yaml is a versatile and human-readable data serialization format that is widely used for configuration files. the pyyaml library in python makes it easy to work with yaml files, allowing you to read and write data in a clear and concise format.
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before using yaml in python, you need to install the pyyaml library. you can install it using pip:
yaml uses indentation to represent the structure of data. it supports lists, dictionaries, and scalar values.
now, let's see how to read the above yaml file in python using the pyyaml library.
you can also create yaml files from python data structures.
yaml is a versatile and human-readable data serialization format that is widely used for configuration files. the pyyaml library in python makes it easy to work with yaml files, allowing you to read and write data in a clear and concise format.
#python #python #python #python #python
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