The Ultimate Loadbox Comparison - Part 7

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In this video I'll check the line out of the Powerstation 2 loadbox from Fryette by using different amps and guitars. Additionally we take a look at the latency, the overall response curve, the ground hum sensitivity and the device noise. Part 1-6 can be found in the links below.

#fryette #loadbox #guitar

Episodes of 'The Ultimate Loadbox Comparison'

0:00 Intro
1:02 Line out and setting
2:46 Front panel switches
3:54 Clean sounds
7:25 Mid-Gain sounds
11:08 Hi-Gain sounds
15:21 Overall response curves
17:17 Flat/Flat - resistive mode
18:22 Latency
18:47 Ground hum sensitivity
20:02 Device noise
Рекомендации по теме

Hi. I'm really getting a lot out of your comprehensive loadbox comparison. If I end up going with a loadbox solution for my specific application, I'm currently leaning heavily towards a Fryette PS-2. If you have time, I'd greatly appreciate your perspective on my questions/concerns below:

I recently purchased a 1996 Vox AC30/6 TBX strictly for home recording use (Marshall produced JMI era AC30 reissue -> Mullard GZ34, EL-84, Alnico Blues, etc.). I want to use the amp's full range of tones, but won't be able to drive the amp to the level needed without some form of attenuation/voltage regulation. I'm looking for a solution with the least amount of tonal coloration, so needless to say I won't be using IRs or line direct -> I'll mic the speakers.

I sent the amp to Nashville Amplifier Service for mods and servicing, and need to decide on internal voltage regulation/master volume modification vs. an external attenuator. I'm currently leaning heavily towards external.

My Questions
1) Based on your white noise demonstration, it appears the EQ curve in by-pass mode is flat, but significantly altered when the tube amp is engaged. Am I interpreting this correctly in stating : I would need to run the Fryette in by-pass mode to prevent the 6L6 tube amplifier from coloring the Vox circuit?
2) I want to run a Multivox MX-201 Multi Echo through the Fryette Effects S/R. Do you know if the Effects S/R will function if I need to run the Fryette in by-pass mode?
3) Based on the connection diagrams in the Fryette manual for a combo amp, it appears I'll need a direct cable connection to the speakers. Then use a female adapter to connect with the Fryette Speaker Out cable. Am I interpreting this correctly or over-complicating the set-up?

Thanks, and again, I really appreciate the work you put into this series!


Zurück von der Weihnachtsfeier und gleich das lang erwartete Video angeschaut. Vielen Dank für die tolle Arbeit! 👍


Is the power load the same thing as this but without the power amp?


Excellent Job. Thx for doing this. I am curious on how this ends... man sieht sich.


Great series of video's! I've subscribed - looking forward to seeing the Boss TAE 🙂


You've done a fantastic job! Which di-boxes did you use?


Super informative Videos, danke!

Ich hätte eine Frage bezüglich der Ein- und Ausschalt Reihenfolge, wenn die Fryette Power Station zwischen Amp und Cabinet angeschlossen ist. Was soll zuerst eingeschalten werden, um etwaige Schäden zu vermeiden: Die Power Station oder der Amp? Und in welcher Reihenfolge schalte ich richtig aus, Power-Station oder Amp zuerst?

Mir ist nämlich nicht klar, ob der eingeschaltete Amp auf Last ist, wenn die Power Station zwischen Amp und Cabinet ausgeschalten ist.
