Red Raspberry Leaf Tea will help to thicken your uterine lining for embryo implantation! #IVF #TTC

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Here's a cost effective tea to help your baby stick! I've tried a lot of expensive teas before, but this one is cheap, simple and fairly tasty. Red raspberry leaf tea is known to help strength the uterus to prepare for embryo implantation, so it's great for women who are trying to get pregnant whether it's naturally, through IVF or other fertility treatments. In addition, it's supposed to help ease menstrual cramps as well even if you're not planning on getting pregnant!

Having gone through seven back-to-back IVF egg retrievals last year, I have tried quite a few different types of supplements and supplement brands! This clip is from the second video I share about my fertility supplements while getting IVF, and so it's an update video on 1) the new supplements that I added during my egg retrievals which resulted in my best cycle, and 2) the supplements I'm taking to prepare for my FET (frozen embryo transfer) now.

To maximize my chances of IVF success at 40 with a super low AMH, I focused on improving my egg quality. I share the supplements that I took to improve my egg quality, many of which were recommended by a nutritionist or a doctor. Although the odds are against me, I have yielded more embryos than my doctor initially expected. (Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional and everyone is different, so please talk to your own doctor about which supplements you should take!)

About me ❤
My name is Hellynn and live in the US, but I've traveled to Korea (where I'm from) to undergo multiple rounds of IVF. Being 40 and trying to bring children into the world is hard, but I also have a condition called diminished ovarian reserve so I'm doing back-to-back IVF egg retrievals.

Navigating this world of infertility is definitely a challenge - a million new acronyms, hormones and protocols to learn - it's a lot. So I thought I'd just talk about everything I've been learning for the women out there who have had similar struggles. I'm also happy to share info with anyone who is interested in traveling to Korea for IVF, since it's much more cost efficient + high success rates here.

I am treating this YT channel as my diary, talking about the ups and downs of my journey to motherhood so that one day, hopefully, my babies will see how they were created... with fierce, enduring strength and love.

I hope you find my videos helpful - thanks for stopping by.

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#infertility #fertilitysupplements #eggquality #IVF #lowAMH
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What’s your favorite fertility tea?! Please share!


I just started taking the tea. I’m trying to be consistent but I really don’t like the taste 🤢 I’m TTC so hopefully I absorb the benefits!


Do you drink it before ovulation or in your lutheal phase?
