LDS Leader, President Eyring, during General Conference Opening Prayers

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Watch LDS Leader, President Eyring, during the opening prayers of General Conferences from April 2009 to October 2014. While other members of the First Presidency and Quorom of the Twelve had their eyes closed during the prayers, President Eyring always has his eyes open, often rifling through his notes or fidgeting around. Pay attention to Eyring's reaction to the words "Thomas S Monson" in the first clip of the video -- you'll be surprised.

Normally, this would not be a big deal. However, as a leader in one of the world's larger religions, President Eyring is held up as an example, as the LDS faith teaches its members from a young age to bow their heads and close their eyes during prayers.

President Eyring is currently at the Vatican, awaiting to speak.

President Eyring has had his calling and election made sure, so he doesn't need to close his eyes during prayer anymore, he's guaranteed the Celestial Kingdom no matter what. Unless he denies the Holy Ghost, he's allowed to sin all he wants.


This is fascinating. He was always smiling too like he’s the kid in primary getting away with it LOL!


I'm half expecting Eyring to nudge whoever is next to him and say, "Did anyone bring popcorn?"


That sure is an expensive looking gold colored watch Thomas S. is wearing at 0:50.


This is most entertaining portion of General Conference. At the 37 second mark look to the right and watch Uchtdorf either adjust his dentures, chew gum or swallow his chewing tobacco. You have created the only one and true candid camera of General Conference. 


I would sometimes nudge my brother or open my eyes during family prayer around our parents bed. Not sure why I stopped opening my eyes during prayer. Just one of those sins that I learned to feel was on the same level as drinking coffee, touching myself and of course...murder!!!


haha. He's always been one of my favorites.


Truly they have a good time during conference, rather pray with a "hooman" than a statue.


I guess when you are praying continually you lose track of when others pray.


This is fake. Music during a prayer? No, There would NEVER be music during a prayer. He used music for confusing people.


Its called Oneness. Unless you can comprehend it this looks disrespectful. 


Eyes open during the prayer? Now there's a ticket to hell if I've ever seen one (sarcasm intended). Amusing that anti-Mormons expect perfection from LDS church leaders, while LDS realize that no one is perfect. But we LDS love our leaders all the more for it.


can you say "doctored video"?


LOL. So now we have someone who is not LDS critiquing general authorities actions during conference. "While other members of the First Presidency...blah-blah-blah) I can seen the headlines: "Mormon Apostle keeps eyes open during prayer!" Am I supposed to act shocked now, or later? (what some people worry about...)


..and if you believe this, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.


So what? I sometimes pray with my eyes open and looking up and about. I find that I have more meaningful prayers when I do this. And his smile could be one of love or maybe was remembering something funny that Monson said. President Monson was a very funny guy (those who knew him would also agree with me). Sometimes I fidget when I am in prayer or pondering over the words. Sometimes some of my deepest conversations with God are done when I am out running. Just because they are called to be prophets and apostles doesn't mean that they all have to pray or ponder in the exact same way.


What's so danged important in those folders?  It's not like the information could change from the last time he looked at it 5 minutes earlier.  I mean at least an iPad could get updates on the BYU score on the Saturday sessions. 

Also note they took away Thomas S.'s plastic binder and he just gets a couple of papers in manilla folder.


I am not a member of this church but anyone in a position like that and does something like that is not only disrespectful but is also a hypocrite.


how about recording the Prayers next that will be D Day!!!!


Until you know the pressure of speaking in front of a WORLD WIDE Audience, LIVE, no less--you cannot appreciate his nervousness. It manifests itself in different ways, in varying individuals. But anti-mormons are always looking for "evil things" to say about anyone and everything relating to the LDS Church, instead of trying to find some peace of mind for their obviously troubled souls. All I can see from this video is someone who doesn't know when the prayer is going to end, so he's checking to make sure he can be ready to get up and walk to the pulpit. These Men are older- they move a little slower. And their families sit right in front of them. He could have been looking at a Grandchild, for all we know! Go find a hobby or something, because you are firing blanks!
