Men's Tank Tops

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In this video we learn how to make wearable art. Hooray! Use your scraps or whatever to make a tank top. It's super simple and you'll love the result. A very fun project for when it's just too damn hot out to think about quilts. Happy Sewing.
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Thank you Dale for bringing me joy, entertainment and words of wisdom. My company will be closing its virtual doors in a couple of weeks. I love, "There is success and there is learning!" I've come a long way since we started six years ago. I have learned so much and am so glad to have had this journey. Keep cool and carry on! 🦋


Hi Dale, love this one. It’s funny you said making quilts to wear. I’m actually doing that now for my partner. First time attempt for the quilting part.


Loved watching this! Now you have me interested in making clothes...eeek! 🤗


awesome tank... i have plenty of scrap, why havent i done this? oh yeah... i have twig arms!


Mister adventurous, a couple of things, you may enjoy using a french curve for cutting the arm and neck openings. You can find them and great fabrics on the Silhouette patterns website. They have folded stretch edging too.


In the heat you might like a cotton caftan.


If you move to Canada will you keep your quilting/sewing website going? It feels like you want to spread your wings into some other direction.
Have you done dance/theatre fabric design?


We are level 4 not more than five kilometers from home no longer than one hour away from home no visitors only essential services open most people have to work from hom e and businesses going bankrupt highest level unemployment we have seen and they just through in the pot that our fire danger levels will be really dangerous again this year so I agree this year is a ...what is the CHALLENGING. I hope you all stay safe from fires we are watching with sadness Lock downs horrible fires disastrous your videos at least give a good break stay safe stay making them please 😷🌍👍🇦🇺


Hello Dale. i have to say. i think the neck was a bit high and the arm holes all so looked tight. i don't think it would be comfortable for you like that. and may be with the next one you do. give it a sports back. (back arm hole taken to the shoulder blades.) hope that makes sense. and with your shape whoop`whoop.


If I could subscribe twice to help you reach your goal I would. ❤️💋
