You Wont Believe The Offers We've Had To Buy Our Builds...

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Shame to hear about you and Chelsea. Obviously curious about the details, but also totally respect that it's private. Hope you're still on good terms with each other.


im sorry to hear about you and chelsea!, Hopefully everything goes well in the near future, keep smiling and grinding, all the love from Canada!


Oh no you and Chelsea :-(. Sorry Chris


Oh Chris I'm so sorry to hear about you and Chelsea... we appreciate you being open with us about it. I hope you know that we care about not just the builds, but you and your life. Most of us grew to feel a connection with you through these videos, and we are always welcoming to a peak behind the curtain into who you are outside of bifb. Keep up the good work, keep your head high, we love you bro!


The Chelsea news was tough. I've watched you forever, back in the day when your wheels got stolen off the street in front of your house. Or when your Lotus kept getting hit while street parked. People always gave you grief for street parking your cars.

I still have my decal cut from the leftover blue vinyl you used on the Z. I always enjoy your content because you have such a good attitude.


Your private life is yours you don't need to tell your fans what happened in it. Love B IS FOR BUILD.


Sorry to hear about the split! May your future continue with more coming happiness and success.


Been here since Plan B and the Evora! Loved every minute of it!


I'm still floored at how Oscar left. Dude was the contractor to your architectt. Bring that man back under any circumstances he asks for.


The white mid body mustang is so sick, validation is that a KING wanted it! Glad you still have it.


Sorry to hear about you and Chelsea, dont get hooked up on holding onto cars. You cant drive them all and they are only wheels and metal, use the money from them to have more experiences in life. Its up to you man as they are your property.


Not going to lie, would like to hear the details but also understand keeping it private.

It was really cool to hear you go through the builds/timeline because it tells the story of how much you have grown.

Keep on crushing it man


Sorry to hear about you and Chelsea. I’m sure it’s been hard on both of you.


I can’t tell how much I miss your car builds. I don’t know why so many ppl got interested on the boat build, but I was really expecting to see the murci.


Chris, thanks for sharing the news about you & Chelsea. As a subscriber & follower of your channel for years…I feel like I know you (a bit). When something serious happens outside of the channel, e.g., your cancer, Chelsea…it’s nice to know how you’re doing. You mentioned all the details I’d ever be interested in (because it’s private). Glad to know you’re both still doing well.

I want to share a funny story with you that I think you’ll get a kick out of. I grew up in Portland (Benson & Grant High Schools). My two best friends (all of us named Mike) lived behind Holy Redeemer by Peninsula Park. One boring Saturday night in 1974, we decide to try that new craze sweeping the nation…streaking! The younger Mike was too scared to try it, or just smarter than us. He did his best to look nonchalant on the sidewalk across the street from the pool. Sooo…being the geniuses we were, we set ourselves up in the bushes next to the pool structure at Peninsula Park. Well…being 2am in 1974, there wasn’t much traffic. In fact…there was none! As we’re about to give up and put our skivvies back on we see a lone car. Wait…wait…go!! We start running like heII, as we get across two lanes we notice something about the car heading in our direction…sheet…it’s a cop!!!

Running as fast as you can, while jumping fences and trying to put your underwear on at the same time should be an Olympic sport.

The fine officer…not being as stupid as us…stops to have a chat with the Mike who decided not to partake in our Olympic trials. The fine officer, while impressed by our technique and effort, was concerned for safety. He tells Mike to get us back…”it’s ok.” Once convinced we’re not going to jail, we emerge from the back yards we’d managed to hide in. What we were met with back at the cruiser was a black cop in tears of laughter. He looks at us, chokes down the laughter and thanks us for making his night. The only other thing he tells us…”it’s really not a good idea for white boys to be running around naked out here. Put your drawers on and go home!” Thankful to not be handcuffs, thankful for his kindness…we went straight home (and never ran around naked in public again).

I thought of that story when you gave a boat update several years ago as you walked around Peninsula Park.

I hope that gave you a smile. Sorry you and Chelsea had to go through the pain of moving on. Glad you’re still friends.

Cheers 😎🇺🇸👍


The “I was engaged once” comment in one of his videos a while back shouldn’t make this acknowledgment surprising.


Was wondering abt Chels then saw a red head in the background of a Boat build n was like ok cool she still around. Part of life. All tha best to u both.


It's cool when you can see where this episode was filmed, plus I've been on that beach a zillion times. Also - sorry to hear about Chelsea.


Sorry to hear about the break up… been a roller coaster for you over the past years. Love the channel, only thing constant in life is change. Wishing you and her the best.


Sorry to hear your relationship has ended.
It seems that your doing ok and its good that you are still friends...
