wth is this i can’t believe @ltbeast bought ur plushie. (nah i’m joking great collab)😂😂😂 TheRealGwene
wth is this i can’t believe @ltbeast bought ur plushie. (nah i’m joking great collab)😂😂😂
Don't worry we'll subscribe and like elviamorales
Don't worry we'll subscribe and like
Now you found someone that hates carrots *me* ThePlayer-
Now you found someone that hates carrots *me*
Bro turn into the people who swore to destroy😅 AndyGuykontoh
Bro turn into the people who swore to destroy😅
You are like zong and topper if they where actually funny NoahGarvin-cj
You are like zong and topper if they where actually funny
Guess what Lettuce the veggie and lettuce the YouTuber have in common? Their both the GOAT FreshBakedPotatoYT
Guess what Lettuce the veggie and lettuce the YouTuber have in common? Their both the GOAT
I don’t like carrots tho- but I like your vids IceyClash_Roblox
I don’t like carrots tho- but I like your vids
I hate carrots but a watermelon is a instant P+ tier (yeah p+ tier means godly) Itspetgod_YOKING
I hate carrots but a watermelon is a instant P+ tier (yeah p+ tier means godly)
Letttuce is the og the OG I MEAN THE OG rwj
Letttuce is the og the OG I MEAN THE OG
Bro just got to say like and subscribe CLXDrixy
Bro just got to say like and subscribe
Guess what I hate every veggie except peas. So you found someone who hates carrots. Sarah-slays
Guess what I hate every veggie except peas. So you found someone who hates carrots.
Ima put carrots to shit rank. Tastes like shit. And if you eat it too much you litteraly become orange. Tomato s+++ Imgoinginsane
Ima put carrots to shit rank. Tastes like shit. And if you eat it too much you litteraly become orange. Tomato s+++