What This Crystal Reveals About the True Nature of Our Reality #science #universe

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I get it. Essentially, it’s math. Nature is encoded in math. It’s beyond anyone’s intuitive understanding, but it is its own explanation. By “irrational, ” he means it follows a subset of mathematics by the same name.


Sounds like the Twilight zone, but maybe search the phrase matter state time crystals


I dont understand but i get it. My innate accepts this . Cant explain, but all my life ive experienced this, where the information is not in our time line, so no where to study a thing, new to modern humanity, but deep inside my dna, it rings true .
Like im REMEMBERING, not Learning. And i get a feeling of like when you find a kid frrom kindergarten you hung with and you moved or they did, you figure out eho that person is, haven't seen in 20 years. But the FEELING of excitement snd joy you get.
I feel like that when i get one of theese " downloads" of things i never experienced in this lufetime or timeline.


And of course, we're just gonna pretend that that means that there is not some kind of intelligent design behind all of this, math is the building block of the universe, and it happened by accident.


What do we DO with this information though?


Yeah, I saw it. I’m not joking and over a year ago, I had idea that it wasn’t light coming from this I observed rather a refraction and the my whole life has gotten, …. Mystical and but yeah Klee is right, he trying to do it all with the proper math and work and testable things. Well there are crystals you can go see and hold and look at and yeah.. even measure and plug in to a experimental test of what u think it to be and I don’t see how this could not work Klee, get the measurements and data off quartz crystals, account for your estimation of what a point in the crystalline structure would be in terms of that crystal type u got. How in the heck could that not be sound advice from a sound man like my selfs. Musician and guitar master absolutely, sound lol, that is the one single dimensionless constant throughout all the worlds and the nature of our reality, cuts through the mix and the lord hears and when the expression and feel is tuned and yeah, that has no limits and sound is an interesting thing. Also helpful non tangible point in knowing what the real see able structure barrier is made of and how we emerge into it and it’s perception that proves the interconnectedness of all things, you to a tree to a slug snail or kale.. yep me and a mouse are put in a maze I walk straight and wall and if one is also on one side then I walk the one way I know and have the ability and powers and knowledge and what have u to go through, the mouse does the same, so don’t give me no freaking stupid crap that two people or things will have different perception of a tree and because their psyche has things to interest them to one point and another a different doesn’t mean the arguments that philosophy and most the physics world does, there hard problem of consciousness solved, because me and mouse both get through the maze.and we do, how we both consciously perceive these things that match in our realities and to a third party watcher. That’s information we are tapped into at a very simple level of the nature of reality. A structured area of encoded wireless accessible information and a bit beyond the simulation in computer theory accounts for with largely it being real and now that is a POV, of mine. Based on my living experience and now detailed passion research into the matter which is knowledge that helps us and that helps larger more multiple dimensions. Just like the wolfs in yellow stone meant to the aspen trees we do to the things we all in


I love you guys and I am hoping you guys figure out unification theory.


E8!!!! 🥳🥳 E8 over string theory all day!!!


This makes no sense, will research later.


Imaginary nonsense. Sorry maybe Im just too stupid, but I just dont buy it. Eight dimensions my arse.


Nah but why tf you put a face in it. That had me tripping for a sec haha


You can make a fancy language to describe anything, using math does not make it magic, just a consistent logical language to describe. Not that the universe is made of maths.
