SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Part 2: Jellyfishing

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Ah, zee BrainScratchComms. In zis part, zey go to zee Jellyfish Fields, where SpongeBob must find zee King Jellyfish to help Squidward.


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There's also the joke where they are talking about the 13 dirt words that you can't say. Squidward interrupts and says, "Don't you mean seven?" That joke was a reference to George Carlin's 7 Dirty Words that You Can't Say on Radio and Television.


I love how Johnny said Part 2. It was so fitting 😂😂😂. Dying for Pie reference.


Still pretty sad about Stephen hillenburg. He made so many people’s childhoods


Jelly Fish Fields is what I consider a "Perfect First Level" it's good for an intro, the music is super relaxing, and it's not too long before things really get started with the charm of this Game.


FUN FACT: In earlier versions of the game, the Watermelons that Patrick were originally Soccer Balls for some reason


3:49 dude were falling right out of the sky!
We gotta drop the load!


Can you guys firmly grasp the magnitude of this BSC LP?


What I found interesting in this game is that every major area has one level you can enter for free if you didn't collect enough spatulas. Area 1 has Jellyfish Fields, Area 2 has the Mermalair, and Area 3 has Spongebob's Dream.


When you said "Now it's like Ren & Stimpy but worse, " you hit the nail right on the head. The creative director for Seasons 4-9a was Vincent Waller, a Ren & Stimpy veteran. That probably explains a lot...


I attribute Spongebob getting more of the memes half due to the generation making them probably being more likely to have watched spongebob than to have watched good simpsons

Also, I know apparently the show's kind of gotten good again, but at this point I feel like I don't really have the time to watch new episodes. I think the last season where there were some episodes I liked was season 4 (and even then, I just generally don't like the art style change), and I recall some later seasons really did feel just mean spirited.

Oh yeah, the spongebob movie is definitely a classic to me.


I just noticed Tedbob's Legend of Zelda scarf, Johnny's Metroid shirt, and the Sonic logo on Lewis' suit. What does SquidRyan have? Absolutely nothing.


The reason SpongeBob went on so many hiatuses (allegedly) is because the production schedule was thrown off by the second movie. Nowadays, they've been releasing new episodes every other week.


"What's so great about a nerdy pickle?"


I can firmly grasp the SpongeBob references and quotes included in the commentary for future parts.


"Firmly grasp it in your hand."


The part when Spongebob slides with his tongue in 11:01, reminds me of that level in Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots.


As a guy who followed Spongebob for quite a while, the "curve" of quality for me more or less goes

Seasons 1-3 are the original highlights. Seasons 4 and 5 are meh seasons with some good episodes. Seasons 6-8 have some of the worst episodes of the show. Season 9 picks up again, and Seasons 10 and 11 are when they got back to the first three seasons in overall quality, though a bit rarer to hit the same "highs" as episodes like Band Geeks or Chocolate with Nuts.


One of the jokes that I appreciate now is at the end of night shift episode with "Nosferatu." It's such a bizarre thing to see in Spongebob, but that's what makes it really clever and I can fully recognize that as an adult.


Follow up: Spongebob just gets milked, but the characters are always on model, have a clear message, and is just out to provide a positive experience.


Describing Spongebob's fall Plently of people have talked about it before. But its universally agreed what kills mid seasons is just....how mean Spirited it all is

Seasons 4 and 5 are okay, they have some bad stinkers like To Love a patty or Good Neighbors, The Staff were definitely trying even tho they lost a lot of good people. i would still honestly recommend them.

Its 6 and 7 that are really bad. Nickelodeon starting wanting longer and longer seasons and that meant Crunch Time. They had to rush through production and writing. leading to a lot of the same premises (So many episodes of Squidward getting kicking down for no reason) or not thinking them through all the way. House Fancy with its Toenail scene and dare i mention One Course Meal?

Season 8 8. its got some good Episodes and some Bad Episodes. Its very Mediocre tho. but not unbearable to sit through tho.

Season 9 and onwards is where it got good again. Not Seasons 1-3 good. but definitely better then before. just watch out for the occasional stinker like Spongebob You're Fired or Ink Lemonade.
