SCORPIO VS AQUARIUS | Love & Anger Relationship Compatibility | Hannah’s Elsewhere

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Hi Cosmic Warriors and welcome back to the Ultimate Zodiac Showdown Series!

In this video we are discussing the Love & Anger compatibility between SCORPIO and AQUARIUS - this can resonate if you have your Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars or Mercury in either of these two signs.

The eBook breaks everything down and it also provides real life examples as to how the Archetype of Libra plays out within everyday life. The purpose of the eBook is to help you cultivate your own Libra energy, Venus energy and Seventh House energy, which in turn can help you feel more empowered and energized. It also touches on the Libra/Venus/Seventh House Interception in the Natal Birth Chart as well.

I hope you find it to be helpful, and that you can also use it practically and constructively.

As always, feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions down below!

Thanks for watching!



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My name is Hannah! I'm Northern Irish and I make videos about Astrology. I want to use astrology as a practical tool, as a way to help others understand it, whilst also demonstrating how others can apply it to their everyday lives. If you want to stay up to date with my content then please be sure to click the SUBSCRIBE button! That way we can learn together!

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I feel like scorpio and aquarius are actually quite similar, they share a lot of the same traits, being stubborn, being concerned for humanity, can be very sociable but at the same needs time to themselves, can be quite emotional but hide it very well or try to distance themselves from their emotions


Of course this video has more views lol. Well anyways, I’m Aquarius and my man is Scorpio. No other sign can make me see deeply within myself like a Scorpio. I’m not detached when I’m with him ♏️♒️💕✨


This video was too on point. I am a Scorpio and My husband is an Aquarius. We are high school sweet hearts. Together 9 years, married 4. You described so well different points hit in our relationship. We have been in all of those situations. I couldn't help but laugh from how accurately you described our dynamics. I couldn't ask for a more meaningful relationship. With its challenges we have been pushed to grow and compliment each other so well. 10/10 would recommend Scorpio and Aquarius relationships lol.


In general, The state of maturity in a person has a lot to do with their compatibility with just anyone.
Lots of people are stuck at a immature mind set due to some early trauma and emotional experiences and seek out relationships for comfort. Some people are not mature enough to handle dilemmas in relationships and begin to think they are not lovable or deserve love. It’s not just about if Scorpio is mature or if Aquarius is mature. If someone isn’t mature enough, they are not going to have the warm, comforting, homey experience in a relationship.
In regard to Scorpio and Aquarius duality, I think both signs have a high bar set for wisdom, like philosophical, inspiring, life wisdom. I think Aquarius is really good at getting Scorpio to try new things. And not in a forceful way, but in a way that the Scorpio has a comfortable view watching Aquarius doing things that Scorpio would have never thought of. And I think Scorpio is good at teaching Aquarius how to make the most out of the good things in life, like savoring the moment, not just analyzing information but digesting it. Scorpio is good at guiding Aquarius to look within themselves with a bit more clarity, with their use of words. They don’t manipulate it out of them, they sort of brush it out of them. Groom them. Scorpio has a way with words that grooms the subconscious of Aquarius. Both signs shed their own spunk into each others lives, they both offer thought provoking ideas, jump scares and ditzy experiences that the other craves. Both have a sacred point of view with privacy in a way that they create an atmosphere of comfortable solitude for each other to be themselves to maximum capacity.
My boyfriend and I don’t really get into arguments. We have never had a heated or violent argument. We actually have a very healthy system of talking things out. We are both very proud to have such a peaceful, functioning, happy, relationship. We both look at each other and appreciate how mature we are with each other, yet we still like to be children with each other like calling each other wienies, and playing hockey with table coasters at Olive Garden,


I am an Aquarius guy, and I'm hanging out with a Scorpio girl recently. I feel we have great afinity for many things, specially topics to talk about. We are both crazy and we have much fun together. We are both deep and intense people. I really love the intensity of Scorpio. But I feel the difference is clear when it comes to ways to make expressions of love. I feel this as a little problematic. For me, it takes time to talk my feelings out loud, it takes time to feel (because Aquarius is also rulled by Saturn). It takes time to touch the other person with the passion she deserves. First I really feel I need to know her and have good laughs for quite a while. And she keeps investigating my feelings for her with almost direct questions, piercing me with her intense beautiful eyes and wanting to know my secret desires and secret crazy stuff. What's the matter? Nothing, only the timing is different for me and her. Of course I love to make out, but my approach to the deep connections of love is more as big friend who is also capable to make love, not as an intense passionate lover. I really friendzone myself consciously first. A Leo girl doesn't mind that so much, but I feel the Scorpio girl does. Scorpio girls are more about deep intensity and they are suspicious and curious to see if their potential lover has that. I believe I do. I mean, I may be passionate, I may be in love, but I'm not ready to reveal it as soon as I feel it. I just need some time. If she can wait a little bit more, I feel our relationship can work out, as, with time, I will naturally be able to express my emotions, when I finally feel secure with this intense feeling, a strange and deep feeling of atraction and bonding that loving a Scorpio person provokes on your soul.


I am Aquarius and the love of my life is Scorpio. In the beginning I was runninf away bc of my free spirit etc but he didn't give up and when Aquarians fall they fall 200% and that's where the compatibility lies❤️


I'm scorpio and i'm dealing right now with an aquarius woman. Everything you say is so so true, my communication with her is actually the reason why we have so much missunderstandings. I think this video will help me to have the guide to calm myself, have patience, work on my self confidence and stop on being so emotional about things because i take everything too serious.


I’m an Aquarius and my boyfriend is a Scorpio. This explains everything to a T. I have a problem explaining my feelings and he thinks I’m so airy and free spirit but I actually really care. We are definitely infatuated with each other but the communication needs more work


Sorry the text is so small? But this is for you dear Aquarius. I think you and I could get along very well. Below is something for an Aquarius.One perspective only. Enjoy, and thank you for the video. Appreciate your honesty.

"Her path is to allow herself to be vulnerable, and from time to time, release the need to feel in control and on top of things. Once she does let others in, her life improves. Fixing her home life can enhance her career. Qualities to develop: nurturing and trust, tenderness, willingness to be vulnerable or to accept support."


You read my relationship down to a T!! Spot on, I need more of these video’s Aqua vs Scorpio. You have confirmed what I’ve been dealing with, how I’m not able to communicate my emotions, which in turns frustrates him. Please give tips on how to get past this. ❤️


Yes, yes, yes!!! You’re so right about this. That’s exactly how we are as Aquarians. I’m currently dealing with a scorpio and honestly, you literally just talked about everything that I’m experiencing now. I definitely know how to twist and turn those questions to get things out of this guy even though he’s so darn secretive🤪. We have a lot of hot and cold moments but at the same time we’re learning about each other. This is so cool


I’m a Scorpio my husband Aquarius. Happily Married 38 years. Your spot on about the communication . It’s an ongoing work in process understanding each other . I’m not always heard


Looking through the comments I did not even know so much Scorpio +Aquarius couples existed)))) I think they are at some point very alike and at the same time very different. If the love is true they could be a power couple. They give and teach each other a lot ... Me as Aquarius with Scorpio ASC am quite emotional. Sometimes can be stingy too )) But deep inside I am very light and kind personality, very understanding and compassionate :) I like in Scorpios that they are real, in everything, in feelings, in hatred, very passionate and have that aura that everyone wants to be with them ... Huge energy and strength ... Thanks for the video <3


You must be a real close and vibrate on the same weird level and be accepting friend for Aquarius for them to get comfortable to show their fun quirky kinky side. They can express their radical side when they feel that the environment is right, they just need to soak up the vibe of their social surroundings to emit back their fun energy.


idc I'm a Aquarius I Love Scorpios so much 4Life and forever and that's not changing never ever it can either go good or bad idc that's how much I love them my Mother's a scorpio and I'm a Aquarius and we love each other to death until the of time and we talk to each other every day we might argue Sometimes but we make up we go places and have fun together


Thank you for putting this together ❤ I'm a Scorpio and I'm seeing a beautiful Aquarius. This has helped me greatly understand her and the dynamics of our signs.. It's uncanny how our life's experiences are very similar. It's like we both have pursued the same interests; we even both had a healthy foods restaurant in our past. I've been in a 17 yr marriage and so I feel I've learned quite a bit of what it takes to be in a committed relationship and relationships fascinate me. I've always leaned into Astrology a bit for understanding people's core behaviors in conjunction with enneagram types. In seeing this Aquarius I'm experiencing all the things you talk about the Aquarius. Our communication style is very different yet I'm very drawn to her. I'm very loyal and devoted and an Aquarius seeming aloofness or "distant" drives me bonkers! She has expressed going slow and you know how Scorpios are: we're intense and passionate. When we focus on someone we desire we go all out. I sometimes feel emotionally distant from her; and that she's not as serious in growing our relationship, but that's not what I'm finding out. She is serious and very interested in growing our relationship. She just shows it differently. I like that she's very calm and patient. She's not into drama or acts like a drama queen.


I love a Scorpio man and I am an Aquarius. We Howe cannot date because it just wouldn't work. Our communication styles are just so different..but the freaking sex though.. it doesn't compare to any other sexual energy or bond I've had with anyone else 😍 We are the true definition of friends with benefits lol. We do that well.


I think you've explained this very well. Aquarius here


Aquarius man and Scorpio woman are a power couple. Can be on the most loyal partnerships in the zodiac. If they both come to understand each other needs, They can have an amazing relationship.


I'm an aqua and I believe that Scorpios are some of the coolest, and often most misunderstood people ever lol.
