05 Secrets About Yourself You Should Never Tell Your Partner

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05 Secrets About Yourself You Should Never Tell Your Partner

00:00 Intro
00:56 Insecurities About Appearance
02:35 Past Relationship Details
04:16 Family Conflicts
05:30 Personal Habits That Annoy You
06:53 Negative Comments From Your Friends
08:05 Closing

Male Behavior Decoded™
My Best-Selling Guidebooks to Help You Experience Deep Love With A Man

1. Insecurities About Appearance
Constantly expressing dissatisfaction with your appearance isn't something your partner can fix. It's a personal journey of self-love that you should embark on without burdening your partner as a constant confidence booster. I've encountered relationships where partners sought validation excessively, which eventually drained the connection's energy. Your partner can appreciate you, flaws and all, but remember, he's there to complement your happiness, not to fix your insecurities.

2. Past Relationship Details
Oversharing explicit details about your romantic history, especially intimate experiences, can create distance rather than closeness. While transparency is valued, excessive information of this nature can breed unnecessary drama. Some individuals intentionally overshare to evoke jealousy, believing it signals love and passion. However, healthy jealousy is protective, not possessive. Remember, it's not about hiding your past, but about being mindful of what details are worth sharing.

3. Family Conflicts
Discussing every family feud may not be the best move. Sharing every family conflict might strain your partner's relationship with your family. Venting about family issues can unintentionally paint a negative picture, leading to unnecessary tension. While communication is essential, be selective about what you share to maintain a balance between your partner and family.

4. Personal Habits That Annoy You
Let's talk about your partner's personal habits that may irk you. Constantly pointing out minor annoyances can create tension, especially when these habits are integral to who he is. Appreciate the bigger picture of your relationship instead of focusing on small irritations. Choose your battles wisely, and remember that a relationship thrives on acceptance and understanding.

5. Negative Comments From Friends About Your Partner
Lastly, consider negative comments from friends about your partner. Not every negative comment needs to be relayed to your significant other. People form opinions based on limited information, and sharing every comment may create unnecessary tension. Remember, your relationship is between you and your partner, and not everyone needs to be informed about all opinions tossed your way.

Ismael Gomez III
I'm a Cuban-American Relationship Coach, Author, and Speaker.


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Male Behavior Decoded™
My Best-Selling Guidebooks to Help You Experience Deep Love With A Man


1. Insecurities about your physical appearance
2. Past relationship details
3. Family conflicts
4. His habits that annoy you
5. Your friends negative comments about him


I agree with all the points. It's better to stay single. I've never come across anyone who accepts my clean lifestyle. They love my appearance & nature but then feel inferior & begin to critisize me saying I'm not normal coz I eat same food everyday & have the same routine. That's when I realized, toxic people think simplicity is boring coz they derive meaning from outside. While the real ones have a rich inner world because discipline = self love = self mastery.


I was with my husband for 30 years and there are some things he didn't need to know about my previous life.


There should be no rule for what to say and done.

Find a partner that
Being with each other Naturally like drinking water.

Life is too short to handle those ungrateful +difficult +lack of empathy.

Be with someone who is clearly your person.

Spend time with someone who really makes you happy.


If a woman thinks a man is sharing all if his “secrets” she’s truly lost her marbles!


My Grandmother said "Keep the Mystique". As an older woman I can tell you that she was absolutely right.

This is very good advice!


If a girl is insecure about her looks, she shouldn’t be dating until she’s secure within herself and shows a certain level of emotional maturity. It was your mistake in selecting her.

Past relationship details are extremely important and insightful. It will help you to understand who your person is because our experiences shape us. So, to not investigate these past experiences means you will make these mistakes again with the person. And the people who do not spend the time to understand people’s past also shows inexperience in understanding relationships and human psychology.


I think its more about moderation, than it is about avoiding sharing these things. Sure, in the beginning of a new relationship, it might be best to leave these details out, unless directly asked -because nobody likes a liar. But if youre in this for the long haul, i think its totally normal to share these things. The thing you dont want to do, is overload your partner with always talking about this stuff. Ladies, youre not ugly enough to find something about your appearance to complain about every day. And thats a fact. And nobody wants to regularly hear about their partners prior relationship activities. But socially, if youre always the one who never has anything to share about past experiences, whether youre with a group of friends and youre joking about the embarrassing moments youve all had, or youre with your partner, privately discussing past traumas youve faced.. etc.. if you never share the things youve been through, you look like youre hiding something. Were human. And that means that perfection is literally unattainable. So we have all faced something thats caused us to have difficulty in some situation or other, and we have also all done something we are not so proud of to some extent. Its good to talk about these things, as it helps us to process stuff in a healthy and beneficial way. Just dont make these things your go-to talking points.


So true specially about the family conflicts it can turn against you


Hi I never ever told a guy nothing !! Let him fantasize who you are until your long married and then don’t say anything girls seriously ok. He doesn’t have to know your past relationships. Or your bad relationships etc. they don’t need to know the dirt ok 🙏🙏🙏🥰


Relationships sound like war. No, thanks.


Also don't share your responsibilities towards your family in the initial days of dating.


In my 40 year affection less marriage i have always been faithful, & completely truthful. But, i held a deep hurt in my heart for about 2 weeks or so.
I told him over the phone when he called to tell me he was on his way back from work. That he made 2 things perfectly clear to me, when he screamed he wanted me dead, god damn you to hell, why can’t you just die, and He wants me to shut up, just god damn shut up. I’m glad i let him know the truth. Because I’m no longer in the illusion that i live in a home…because in a home I felt Loved.
Thank you for the help you give others, your advice is solid. But, people need to know when people are older sometimes their spouse becomes a very different person than the one they married.


Ismael . I think everything you've said here applies just as much to men as to women. So rather than wonder or attempt to guess what we think or hope our other person is interested in or wants to know about us, why not simply ask them? What's most important to them about us? What do the think they have the right or entitlement to know about us? Take it from there....


And DO NOT tell him how much money you have in savings, CD's, 401's, etc. The man I'm seeing knows I just inherited money after my fathers passing. He's already asked me to invest $50, 000 in his real estate deal.


It was really very helpful. 💯💯. I have sent this video to many of my family and friends.

I have the habit of oversharing and I thought that he needs to know but sharing about my past was so detrimental to me as it was used against me.

I was heartbroken again in the same way (almost same scenerio)


What about sharing your health status...if you have an "invisible illness" for instance...? When should you disclose medical information? 😕🤷🏼‍♀️


❤Yes! All points made are essential to a healthy relationship with your significant other. ❤


What are some subtle signs of healthy jealousy?
Could u do a video on that?
