worried about a DRY SOCKET? #shorts

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If you’re worried about getting a dry socket, normally you can stop worrying about 3-4 days after your tooth is extracted. The most “susceptible” days of getting a dry socket are the days immediately AFTER having your tooth removed.

So… if you’ve made it about 3 or 4 days after your tooth extraction, then you are probably in the clear.

But having said that — you still need to be gentle with that area because certain things like eating hard, crunchy foods, or poking it with a toothbrush, or drinking through a straw could delay your healing and set you back a few days whether or not you get a dry socket.






***This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on social media.***

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Dry socket hurts worse than the worse toothache.


I got my dry socket on day 3, and yet I did everything I possibly could by the textbook. I had to go back and they packed the socket with medicated paste and that is like instant pain relief and also covers the socket and protects it from food debris. All in all, it’s an uncomfortable experience but nothing too excruciating!


I think they should pack it during surgery every time.


My experience so far - hope this helps anyone getting their wisdom out

Day 1- just before the torture-Eat a big meal before surgery as if your on death row. Mine was extracted by general aesthetic.
Lots of tugging, drilling and a grown man ripping my cheek apart! (Literally) took around 30mins to extract 1 tooth. No pain during surgery- just VERY uncomfortable and felt a ton of pressure.
Kids, if you never taken drugs well now is your time to shine! I took pain killers an hour after surgery as pre caution and took pain killers every 4 hours.
The bleeding didn’t stop for 6 hours after surgery so visited the torture house again, they checked it and said it’s nothing to worry about. REMEMBER to use a WET gauze for 30mins & then leave the gauze OUT and see if it clots on its own. Worked a treat for me
On tonight’s delicious menu: soup cooled down, water, yogurt. - force yourself to shove some baby like food down & take tiny sips of water!!
sore throat and face started to swell like a balloon.
Used ice on cheeks. bleeding went down during the night on its own.
No beauty sleep, slept upright, which was very uncomfortable. Stack 2 pillows & Buy a travel neck pillow!

Day 2- Prepare to look like Quagmire or the botched jaw filler look! Sore throat but no pain. Got a fever, Nasty blood taste in mouth but no active bleeding..
Fine wine and dine: porridge, rice pudding, ice cream, soup and sipped on lots of water throughout the day.
Been taking pain killers every 6 hours through out the day. I managed to brush some of my pearly whites very carefully, Avoiding the site of extraction . (This made me feel better)
Beauty sleep was better than the night before but still uncomfortable & kept waking up. Slight pain 4/10 at night.
Remember to take a shower & do your skin care- trust me you will feel ALOT better

Day 3 - Wednesday - still rocking the botched jaw filler look. throat is very sore, voice is gone, blocked nose, headache. Think I got a cold. Fever has gone down. Nasty taste in mouth. Done salt and water rinse (check on YouTube how to).
Meal of choice: soft foods, drank the whole ocean, cold matcha tea. VERY IMPORTANT-salt rinse after each meal- and after brushing
Only taken 2 pain killers. Pain level is like when you bite into your cheek.

Day 4- woohoo, survived the worst-blotched jaw filler still intact. Still got a cold and cough. I Used Vicks in hot water and breathed in the steam to clear the mucus.
Slept like a baby- but now got bad neck pains (due to sleeping upright)
On tonight’s menu: Wonderful soup, mash, lots of water, and tub of ice cream!
Now in rehab & taken no pain killers.
Still brushing my teeth like a 1 year old. Challenged myself and even tried a bit of flossing, jaw hurts so can’t open mouth that wide

Day 5- botched jaw filler is slowly going down (Hoorayyy) mild pain today. Still have sore throat so swallowing is a challenge! Felt dizzy and weak Took 1 pain killer with food this morning. I’m still quite ill with a cold. If I didn’t catch a cold I think everything would have been 10x easier!
Can open mouth slightly wider so was able to brush a lot better. Noticed white stuff on the site and around the extraction which (according to google) is a good sign. Also noticed the stitches are starting to come loose, which again according to google, can happen and nothing to panic
Food: beef pate (we getting fancy) mash, soup- drank tiny sips of water every hour (hurts to swallow but don’t want to be dehydrated!)
Had the best sleep ever! Don’t need to sleep upright anymore. REMEMBER - your body is your temple so do some light stretches. Hopefully I can take a walk tomorrow if the swelling goes down more :) if you have a garden, don’t be shy and pop your head out for some fresh air


I got my pre-molar extracted on Monday and have been TERRIFIED about dry socket since Monday night. Lord PLEASE keep it away 😭😭😭


Im on day 3 so far haven’t even used the pain killers since day 1 been on jello cuzz in scared to get food stuck and for my oral hygiene maintenance to be easier


Got my wisdom teeth extracted 6 days ago, only one extraction site is still bothering me. Ibuprofen is enough to take the pain away but I do feel it in my ear as well. Is this a dry socket? I’m not in excruciating pain but it is very annoying. I just used hydrogen peroxide diluted with a lot of water this morning to help clean my mouth, do you recommend?


How can I know if what I’m feeling is just residual pain, an infection or dry socket?
- it’s been 4 days since extraction
- extraction sites are stiched up so I can’t check for empty socket
- very bad smell but only in the morning before washing teeth
- when I apply pressure to my swelled up cheek, a white ooze comes out
- pain is manageable through pain meds

Help I’m scared and don’t know what to do 😫


6 days later and in the worst pain ever its not as easy as it seems


When can straws be used normally? What day mark? 🧐


Does it always smell? I had all 4 extracted Friday, I had them put me under IV cuz the bottom ones were impacted. I didn’t feel pain the first day or second. Didn’t use strays, mostly kept to cold soups, took my meds and all. It’s Tuesday and my bottom teeth have been hurting but no foul smell


But I’m on day 6 and I’m still concerned. I’m so worried and I’m so close to doing something stupid to myself. 😢


**Dry socket hurts worse than her face full of make up!!**


Not chewing anything for a month cuz fk dry socket nty


72 hours later, i hit my vape and smoked me a very loosely packed joint and now i feel amazing


I had my tooth took out last week on Wednesday and it is now Tuesday. Can I smoke?


can wearing a retainer cause dry socket?


How would someone know they have a dry socket? Is it immediate?


I didn’t know you were an Aaliyah fan! 😍


Aye, quick question. If I smoke through my nose, yes ik it’s stupid but some of us addicted asf, will I avoid dry socket?
