John Deere 5100 M tractor goes to neutral after moving forward or reverse 

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how many folks having problems with the 5075e shuttle shifter aka powerreverser ....among other problems....? A hell of a lot. It may last long enough for a few guys to plant their food plots to hunt once a year for a few hours. But, to depend upon it to make a living? Hell naw. Why doesn't JD have to recall all the issues they have? Back when made in the U.S. and computer and sensor free, not many issues back then and any mechanic including the farmer could repair them. Now mechanics depend on these diagnostic codes which are only as good as what's downloaded from JD. This is what happens when politicians accept $$$, from big corporate from pharma to food to our equipment. We have to live, or not live, with it. Corporate America 3rd party mfrd and 3rd party assembled should be held accountable for recalls ! F'ing unacceptable!!


I had a 5065 do the same thing. I had the local JD dealership send a guy and $500 later he didn’t figure it out. So thinking I could do at least as well I started guessing. The first thing I replaced was that speed sensor and that was the fix.


I have a 6115d won't register neutral


My 5085 occasionally goes into neutral shifting from 2nd to 3rd even though the gear is in position, it'll be neutral on the dash. Just has started this. I'm assuming it's the same issue?


I have a 5055e does the same changed the speed senor and no luck. John Deere dealer charged me close to $1000 and they dont know whats wrong with it. 150hrs on it. JD customer service is the worst. They said that my tractor is out of warranty and they cant do anything.


What is the problem? Same issue here with my 5115m
