Referee was waiting for the first death in ufc 💀 lboyplays
Referee was waiting for the first death in ufc 💀
Ref: keep fighting he still has 8 brain cells left sherifnabil
Ref: keep fighting he still has 8 brain cells left
Ref was like “Man brutal elbows, someone should stop this fight…. Oh shi- thats my job!” stoneroses
Ref was like “Man brutal elbows, someone should stop this fight…. Oh shi- thats my job!”
Referee: keep fighting, I can still see your heartbeat. ABCDEFGHIYK
Referee: keep fighting, I can still see your heartbeat.
They weren't booing Khabib, they were booing the ref davidmalone
They weren't booing Khabib, they were booing the ref
The referee suddenly turn into an spectator. What a nightmare for a fighter. beto.aveiga
The referee suddenly turn into an spectator. What a nightmare for a fighter.
The Referee was Mentally in the Holidays! planetearth
The Referee was Mentally in the Holidays!
My boy Big Dan said “if he dies he dies” 😂😂 RubenDavila
My boy Big Dan said “if he dies he dies” 😂😂
Man when khabib grabbed his face and was punching him that was absolutely brutal vamvetozuo
Man when khabib grabbed his face and was punching him that was absolutely brutal
They weren’t unhappy with Khabib. They were unhappy with the ref. leekekwick
They weren’t unhappy with Khabib. They were unhappy with the ref.
Bro almost let Jared Cannonier die too 😂 神救-rg
Bro almost let Jared Cannonier die too 😂
Khabib was so elite with his ground and pounding, the way he holds his opponents head as he elbows him is so brutal to see benb
Khabib was so elite with his ground and pounding, the way he holds his opponents head as he elbows him is so brutal to see
“If his heart is beating, he’s still competing” - Dan Miragliotta, probably. jin
“If his heart is beating, he’s still competing” - Dan Miragliotta, probably.
People call khabib boring, who else delivers this kinda destruction nowadays? This looks like some ufc 1 fight so outmatched its crazy IzzyNZ
People call khabib boring, who else delivers this kinda destruction nowadays? This looks like some ufc 1 fight so outmatched its crazy
Holding his face straight while elbowing him made the scene so much more dramatic spyroskaziannis
Holding his face straight while elbowing him made the scene so much more dramatic
That leaping upper cut is one hard strike to counter jamiedavid
That leaping upper cut is one hard strike to counter
"If he dies, he dies" Dan Miragliotta mattyctill
"If he dies, he dies" Dan Miragliotta
This was the fight where the famous terms "If sambo was easy it would be called jiu jitsu" was invented. Khabib wore the shirt during the weigh in. caspeansea
This was the fight where the famous terms "If sambo was easy it would be called jiu jitsu" was invented. Khabib wore the shirt during the weigh in.
Beautiful finish! and They call it boring 🤣🤣🤣 ruthlezz
Beautiful finish! and They call it boring 🤣🤣🤣
Bro, he was straight hitting his skull with his elbow over and over again, and it wasn’t stopped adambuglyo
Bro, he was straight hitting his skull with his elbow over and over again, and it wasn’t stopped