B.Sc 1st Semester Physics Most Important Questions Part6 #bsc #bsc1stsemester #yourbscguide

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B.Sc 1st Semester Physics Most Important Questions Part6 #bsc #bsc1stsemester

What is Elasticity? Explain the meaning of different elastic constants and derive the Relation between them.

Define Young's elasticity of modulus Y Bulk elasticity of modulus K and modulus of rigidity n. what is Poisson ratio Sigma. derive
B.Sc 1st Semester Physics Most Important Questions Part5 #bsc #bsc1stsemester
Write the Gauss Divergence Theorem and Green's Theorem

A Particle executing Simple Harmonic Motion given by the equation y=12sin(2pit/10+pi/4) Calculate Amplitude Frequency Displacement at t=1.25 second y is measured in metre

B.Sc 1st Semester Physics Most Important Questions Part 4 #bsc #bsc1stsemester
Calculate the value of Escape Velocity from Earth if radius of earth Re=6.39*10^6m G=6.67*10^-11Nmkg^-2 Me=5.98*10^24kg
Show that work done to deform a body is 1/2(stress*strain)
Deduce the Relation between Escape Velocity and Orbital velocity
Define Quality factor and Relaxation time
Show that any Tensor of rank 2 can be expressed as a sum of a Symmetric and an antisymmetric tensor both of rank 2
At what displacement the potential and kinetic energies are equal for harmonic oscillator
Find period of a body executing a linear simple harmonic motion in terms of its acceleration and displacement
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Show that the sequence Sn defined by Sn=1/n+1+1/n+2+...+1/n+n converges

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In this video we discussed about method tocalculate value of x at which potential energyand kinetic enerqy becomes equal in simpleharmonic motion SHM.
In SHM with amplitude a thepotential energy and kinetic energyare equal to each other as In SHM with amplitude a the potential energyand kinetic enerqy are equal to each other asdisplacement
What is the displacement of an
object in SHM when the kinetic andpotential energies are equal?
Chapter 10 SHM and waveses Kqa hhan Board
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