TD Jakes Responds to Allegations W/Diddy During Sunday Service Live Stream & WARNS People It's A LIE

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A representative for popular televangelist T.D. Jakes, who leads The Potter's House megachurch in Dallas, Texas, has dismissed as "unequivocally false and baseless" an unverified report casting innuendo about his sexuality and accusing him of being a frequent participant at parties hosted by producer and music mogul Sean Combs, known by his stage name, Diddy.
"Recent claims circulating on pockets of social media about Bishop T.D. Jakes are unequivocally false and baseless," Jordan A. Hora, executive director of public relations and communications for the T.D. Jakes Group, T.D. Jakes Ministries and The Potter's House, told The Christian Post in an exclusive statement Thursday.
"What has always been true, in the words of the late Pastor Charles H. Spurgeon, 'If you want the truth to go round the world you must hire an express train to pull it; but if you want a lie to go round the world it will fly; it is as light as a feather, and a breath will carry it.'"
Hora said it was "disheartening to witness the proliferation of numerous deepfake photos and the distortion of words through false, sensationalized misrepresentations, encapsulating purported statements to falsely speculate and attack others, including Bishop Jakes."
"There is much more important work to be done to create a better world," she said. "The Bible teaches us the importance of compassion and care for others, especially those who may be marginalized or in need. Chairman Jakes undeterred by false, perverse, ignorant, and conspiratorial speculations will persevere in his continued dedication to create meaningful change for millions around the globe guided by the timeless principles of compassion, service, and ministry."
Jakes, a 66-year-old married father and grandfather, has been a well-known figure in the Christian community for decades, filling arenas across the globe with followers clamoring to hear his sermons, buy his books and support his philanthropic work.
On Thursday, Jakes' name became a trending topic on multiple social media platforms after a YouTube channel known as Tuff News TV embroiled the Woman Thou Art Loosed author in a recently-settled lawsuit in which R&B singer Cassie accused Combs of rape, as well as repeated physical abuse over nearly a decade.
In the explosive lawsuit, Cassie, whose real name is Casandra Ventura, alleged that shortly after she met Combs in 2005 at the age of 19, he began a controlling and abusive relationship with her in which she was given drugs, beaten and forced to have sex with male prostitutes as he filmed. Combs allegedly hosted the orgies at high-end hotels across the U.S.
On Wednesday, Tuff News TV host Germaine McKinley claimed near the end of a 37-minute video on YouTube that he received an email from an unnamed source alleging that Cassie turned over to investigators a burner phone that belonged to Kim Porter, the late model and mother of Diddy's children, who died in 2018. Cassie also allegedly shared a USB device containing recordings of Diddy's alleged "sex parties," where he reportedly hosted several powerful people, including Jakes.

"I'm also told that multiple male escorts corroborated the fact that T.D. Jakes [has] slept with multiple men at Diddy's parties and abroad," the unnamed source claims. "It's also been said that a young male has acquired a lawyer to represent him as he is set to sue Jakes for an incident that took place when he was just 16 years old."
The video's source alleges that the minor, whose family attended The Potter's House until he left in 2015, was forced to perform a sex act on Jakes. The source further alleged that the boy's family was paid off to keep what happened quiet, but he now intends to seek his own justice as an adult.
On Thursday, TikTok user jusnene made a video clip of the allegations, which has already been viewed more than 1.6 million times on that platform alone and elicited hundreds of thousands of reactions. The video was also shared on X, making Jakes a top-five trending topic with Diddy. The X video was viewed 11.1 million times as of Friday afternoon.

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You can be sure of two things: 1. God will not be mocked. 2. If he is telling the truth, God will fight the battle; but if he is not, God will deal with him publicly


I hope he is telling the truth. But this is why we should not be sitting at the seat of the scornful.


Be careful who you align your self with 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼 Step away from Oprah too !!!


It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter into heaven.


Repenting for his sin would have been more honorable
Even if he didn’t sleep with men
A pastor of a church a lead pastor should not be caught up in this mess
If he wasn’t there to teach of Jesus he shouldn’t have been there
So for lack of repentance, I do not want him as a pastor and leader I will not be watching any more of his sermons


🙏🏼Let Us Pray: God, I ask You in Jesus' name bless me to come to know You, love You, trust You, and strengthen me to live my life to honor and please You. God cleansed me of everything in my life that breaks Your heart. Let me be a light in this dark world, lifting You up in the lifestyle that I live. Let the world see that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord of "ALL" of my life. God protect me from all evil, hurt, harm, danger, the plans of my enemies, and the plans of the enemy of my soul. Let no weapon formed against me prosper. God all that I have asked of You in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of this prayer, all those I love, and care about. God, please, forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. God Thank You. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so in Jesus' name. ❤To Truly Know God Is To Love and Trust God. A man, woman, or child that loves and trust God will obey God!


Who are we to hold him to anything? Why are ppl that invested in what he got going on?! Get a life


Screwing young boys is a personal life decision and if Preacher enjoys the acts in the diddy party that's his business and we don't need to know it, 's not our business.

How silly does that sound


All I know is when Jesus hung out with sinners, the Bible said He was ministering to them, not doing what they did. Jesus always was about His Father's business. I am a pastor and people are quick to lie on you, I know that firsthand. I don't know his personal connection to Diddy. He could be his spiritual advisor. I truly don't know what is really going on with TD Jakes and his personal life, only God knows. But I do know Bishop Jakes has an anointing that God gave him and He will not take it back. ALL HAVE SINNED and fallen short of the glory of God. A just man falls 7 times and gets back up. Who is without sin, throw the first stone. What is in the dark will come to the light. In the meantime, we all must repent and continue to do God's will . I feel this is just another distraction of Satan, to try and DIVIDE THE CHURCH.


As the hymn says, "We will understand it better by and by"!


We know who you are let the stronger in you be the minister TD you are not strong enough


I am more concerned with the impeccable work he has done through his teachings, books and preaching. Let God judge us all. That's IT.


I am concern about how Jesus used to walk with sinners, drunkards, prostitutes, they mocked him and doubt that he is not prophets. Even the time when Mary Magdeline ( prostitude) used her expensive perfume to wash Jesus feet, the disciples doubted that He is not a prophet.


All I know is Gino should have reached out by phone and not on the air and Jake's should have never have been at a Diddy event after all God said come from among them a be ye seperate, having said that these two need to meet up like 2 men of God and talk it out, but Jake's shoukd have known better it never pays to think you somebody you're not, where much is known much is required. T D change play grounds and play mates stick to the body of Christ where your job lies.


I just want to know was he ever at a diddy party? Thats it thats all.


It's ok Pastor TD. That's between you and God. I won't comment.


I believe TD Jakes! We stand with you man of God!


What is done in the dark will come to the light!


God is faithful to reveal the things hidden in the dark. With that being said, one should be very careful of putting their mouth on a man or Woman of God, that will bring a curse. Even when David had “the right” to defend himself against Saul, he was very Careful because Saul was STILL Gods anointed. I didn’t even want to comment here but I think it’s important for people to be very careful. Pray for your Pastors Bishops, leaders, that is the direction God has given. PERIOD.


One cannot serve God and mammon. He never said who his master is. Who is he working for? He need to repent.
