My Everyday Foundation Routine ░ CloudyApples

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I’ve been saying I’d do a makeup-related video for ages and here it is! My foundation routine. Everything I use is linked below, let me know what you guys think!

I am very interested to hear if you lovely people have any sunscreen recommendations! I’m looking for a lightweight, preferably SPF 30 sunscreen with a matte finish. Every time I wear sunscreen my skin explodes or gets super greasy and it’s just a mess. I’m at a point where I’d rather just wear hats every day than deal with more acne/grease-face than is necessary, but I continue to yearn for a sunscreen that is everything I need.

P.S. I do not collect makeup for the sake of having a massive collection. I only buy things I will get good use out of. I prefer quality over quantity, so that’s why my products may come at a higher cost. There are plenty of foundation routines on Youtube for everyone, this is my personal preference!

Music: Missing Love by Missing Hito

Рекомендации по теме

I like how thoughtful you are in terms of your selection. Lovely products.


Wow, you looked extremely beautiful in this video! I love how funny and interesting you showed us your foundation routine! I will definitely look into the products you are using, they seem to be great!


I an always blown away by how breathtakingly stunning you are. Your strength, kindness and love of knowledge are truly inspirational. I have watched hundred of beauty channels and have had a hard time sticking with any of them, but you make my days brighter and your unique content makes me excited to watch your videos even after almost a year. Keep it up!


Kassie!!! Thank you for being you. You light up my day with each new video. You offer something that many lifestyle bloggers/vloggers don't, and that's creativity and soul. So so so much love from Portland OR!!!! 💕💕💕💕


Thank you so much for this tutorial! After watching your video and a few from others, I decided to try out the Sappho foundation and 100% pure primer. I've never really used either foundation or primer products more than a few times a year, because I could never find a great natural product for my skin. All I can say is that these two products are game changers for me, and the Sappho foundation matches my tone 100%! My skin feels so soft and beautiful with these products!! Natural products for the win! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!💚💚💚


I really love how you've edited this video Kassie! Love how the products are shown and the colours are so vibrant! Great work as always! Lots of Love! xoxo


Love the illustration in the video, it would be so frustrating having to pay for shipping! Nars is my go-to concealer at the moment as well, I love it! x


Oh Cassie, I can't express how much I love your videos. No matter if they are make up, routines or more artsy-lifestyle. Your editing and filming is just so good! As a personal preverence I like the lifestyle videos more (esp. cold, wet & muddy spoke so much to me in a personal manner).

I really wish I had your skin! It looks so great and I'm glad you are all for quality instead of quantity like most beauty-YTbers. Those products sound really great and somehow the 100% pure website is even in german, so I can take a look around and maybe find something that suits my skin.
You look great with hats!


You have no idea how happy it makes me when I see you've uploaded a video! :D it seriously makes my day! I love you, I love your videos and I love your hat, haha! ❤


So pretty Kassie! I love how you are able to pack so much content and creativity into short videos! You're definitely one of my favorite youtubers!


I loved this video! The way you put in a bit of animation was my favorite part. That little rant just made the video that much more enjoyable at least for me. I like how you're always changing your videos! Keep up the amazing work!!


A friend of mine excitedly sent me a link to your channel a few weeks ago and you quickly became a favorite. I love the style of your videos and (you don't need me or anyone to tell you what you already know) it is evident that you put a great amount of time into editing. I'm so glad I checked your channel out! It's so different and amazing overall.


The animation is fantastic! I adore the Nars concealer it's amazing :) You're such a beauty! x


That lighting is beautiful! And your style has been so impeccable recently! Love all your outfits you've been posting on Instagram.
Although I was excited to see a makeup video, I hope you will still do artistic videos like 'Purple Brush'. I'm still confused it got so many dislikes. :/ Hopefully you weren't too discouraged by that. Much love to you, Kassie! <3


I absolutely love your channel Kassie. I have been following you for over a year and it is so inspiring to watch how you have grown in that time. You have such a good aura and energy about you and are very talented. You and Terry are my fav couple of youtube :) Thanks for bringing positive vibes to this community. Way to empower other women by example!


Literally just bought everything you recommended and I love it! So shocked! I gave up on natural makeup products a long time ago because nothing ever gave me the coverage I needed (I have acne prone skin), but super glad I stumbled across your page! You won me over with your Ramadan Video too


When I saw your bare face, I thought it was the end result! I'm freaking blown away by how legitimaly beautiful you look without makeup. I love wearing makeup and obviously don't judge people who do it on a daily basis but people who look completely different with their makeup off scare me!!
Ever since I met you, I've changed my concepts on beauty and care so much, I wish everyone would have the same opportunity (plus, you deserve that prestige).
Best of best wishes from Brazil!


You're hysterical. Can you just make a video daily because I love your sense of humor and you're gorgeous. Wish the foundation shipped to Singapore!!


Your videos are so informative: facial massages? Awesome foundation that seamless blends?! I can't get enough. Thank you for sharing your foundation routine.


I LOVE how you can go off track for a few seconds with the animations and carry on like nothing has happened!
