Learn C# Programming – Full Course with Mini-Projects
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This complete C# tutorial for beginners will take you from the basics of C# programming to advanced concepts.
✏️ Course developed by @CoffeeNCode
⭐️ Contents ⭐️
(0:00:00) Introduction
(0:01:56) Installing Visual Studio 2022
(0:05:25) Creating your first project
(0:07:48) Hello world
(0:10:56) Numeric data types
(0:18:08) Text based data types
(0:20:32) Converting string to numbers
(0:24:27) Boolean data type
(0:25:36) Operators
(0:31:36) Remainder
(0:35:08) Var keyword
(0:39:13) Const keyword
(0:43:15) Exercise - Storing user data
(0:45:05) Exercise - Odd/Even checker
(0:46:59) Console Input/Output
(0:55:32) If statements
(1:09:13) Switch statements
(1:14:29) For loops
(1:22:28) While loops
(1:32:53) Conditional operator
(1:36:22) Numeric formatting
(1:49:36) TryParse function
(1:59:42) Exercise - Times table
(2:03:10) Exercise - Fizz buzz game
(2:08:24) Verbatim string literal
(2:17:00) String formatting
(2:22:36) String interpolation
(2:25:59) String concatenation
(2:30:41) Empty string
(2:32:59) String Equals function
(2:38:03) String iteration looping
(2:47:56) String IsNullOrEmpty function
(2:53:07) Exercise - Print string in reverse
(3:01:44) Exercise - Password checker
(3:11:02) Arrays
(3:32:59) Array sorting
(3:35:48) Array reversal
(3:39:20) Array clearing
(3:45:38) Array IndexOf
(3:55:00) Lists
(4:03:57) Dictionary
(4:16:30) Exercise - Odd/Even number split
(4:23:11) Exercise - Array of multiples
(4:30:00) Functions
(4:35:39) Void functions
(4:41:32) Return type functions
(4:59:48) Function parameters
(5:12:24) Optional parameters
(5:17:19) Named parameters
(5:19:51) Out parameters
(5:37:28) Reference parameters
(5:46:12) Exercise - Area of a Triangle
(5:50:14) Exercise - Sum of int Array
(6:01:09) Exception handling
(6:03:27) Try…catch
(6:12:47) Printing error messages
(6:17:31) Exercise - Custom TryParse
(6:26:00) Debugging
(6:37:55) Local/auto window
(6:41:35) Watch window
(6:46:40) Exercise - Fix logic error
(6:50:14) Structures
(7:06:56) Classes
(7:15:56) Class functions
(7:22:07) Class fields
(7:37:27) Class variable/function scope
(7:41:30) Class properties
(8:01:09) Class ToString function override
(8:16:44) Outro
🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 davthecoder
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 南宮千影
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 Oscar Rahnama
✏️ Course developed by @CoffeeNCode
⭐️ Contents ⭐️
(0:00:00) Introduction
(0:01:56) Installing Visual Studio 2022
(0:05:25) Creating your first project
(0:07:48) Hello world
(0:10:56) Numeric data types
(0:18:08) Text based data types
(0:20:32) Converting string to numbers
(0:24:27) Boolean data type
(0:25:36) Operators
(0:31:36) Remainder
(0:35:08) Var keyword
(0:39:13) Const keyword
(0:43:15) Exercise - Storing user data
(0:45:05) Exercise - Odd/Even checker
(0:46:59) Console Input/Output
(0:55:32) If statements
(1:09:13) Switch statements
(1:14:29) For loops
(1:22:28) While loops
(1:32:53) Conditional operator
(1:36:22) Numeric formatting
(1:49:36) TryParse function
(1:59:42) Exercise - Times table
(2:03:10) Exercise - Fizz buzz game
(2:08:24) Verbatim string literal
(2:17:00) String formatting
(2:22:36) String interpolation
(2:25:59) String concatenation
(2:30:41) Empty string
(2:32:59) String Equals function
(2:38:03) String iteration looping
(2:47:56) String IsNullOrEmpty function
(2:53:07) Exercise - Print string in reverse
(3:01:44) Exercise - Password checker
(3:11:02) Arrays
(3:32:59) Array sorting
(3:35:48) Array reversal
(3:39:20) Array clearing
(3:45:38) Array IndexOf
(3:55:00) Lists
(4:03:57) Dictionary
(4:16:30) Exercise - Odd/Even number split
(4:23:11) Exercise - Array of multiples
(4:30:00) Functions
(4:35:39) Void functions
(4:41:32) Return type functions
(4:59:48) Function parameters
(5:12:24) Optional parameters
(5:17:19) Named parameters
(5:19:51) Out parameters
(5:37:28) Reference parameters
(5:46:12) Exercise - Area of a Triangle
(5:50:14) Exercise - Sum of int Array
(6:01:09) Exception handling
(6:03:27) Try…catch
(6:12:47) Printing error messages
(6:17:31) Exercise - Custom TryParse
(6:26:00) Debugging
(6:37:55) Local/auto window
(6:41:35) Watch window
(6:46:40) Exercise - Fix logic error
(6:50:14) Structures
(7:06:56) Classes
(7:15:56) Class functions
(7:22:07) Class fields
(7:37:27) Class variable/function scope
(7:41:30) Class properties
(8:01:09) Class ToString function override
(8:16:44) Outro
🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 davthecoder
👾 jedi-or-sith
👾 南宮千影
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 Nattira Maneerat
👾 Heather Wcislo
👾 Serhiy Kalinets
👾 Justin Hual
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 Oscar Rahnama