How To Drywall - Applying round bullnose beads by hand

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To apply round bullnose plastic bead by hand we are going to be using taping mud, which has glue in it so your beads stay on the wall. We premix the mudApply round Bead with a little water, you don't want to use the mud straight out of the box. We're using a 5 inch knife and a pan to hold the mud. Put a fair amount of mud on both sides of the drywall, you want a lot of mud on there, you don't want any dry spots. Once you got lots of mud on, you apply your bead. Use your knife to press on the bead in the center to squizze mud through the little holes and to make sure that the bead is centered on the drywall. We need to use the knife to fill all the little holes on the sides of the bead. If you need to add more mud go ahead and add mud but make sure that all the little holes are filled. There is a guide for your knife to glide on the bead, that's where you knife needs to go (like shown in the picture to the right). Kinda hold your knife flat with the wall so that you roll the mud up or down filling the holes, we show you very well in the video. Make sure that your bead does not touch the ground, if your bead hits the floor and the floor was to ever move for some reason, the bead may pop off the wall. We use a round wiper knife to clean off the extra mud left on the bead, taping mud is not fun to sand with a sponge. Once we apply round bullnose plastic bead by hand , we need to give it at least an hour of drying time before we can coat the bead with our hawk and trowel.
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boy cameras sure have gotten a lot better since 2011 huh?


Yeah - camera guy needs to concentrate on camera work and leave the commentary to the actor...


I thought the holes were for screws. Well this is a lot easier 😆


The guy does muddling fine but camera man need to shut up and focus on filming.


I've used plastic beads with taping mud for application for about 8 years, and rarely does any beads ever pop, unless you pulled on them with an extension stuck underneath or something, they don't come off at FIRST TOUCH lol ....


Will you give a link to where you buy the bullnose? Or what brand this one is?


You know you are right, there are 2 different types of bead, one for mud set and the other for glue. But we have used both with mud or glue, either way they work, but the mud set bead by trimtex does hold on the wall better. Thankx


What is the offset for the corner of the drywall? I see a gap between drywalls. Hope my question makes sense.


the angle of your knife is wrong! angle the blade so that excess gets squezed toward the outside of the tape!


Come on video dude, less talking and pay attention to your job! Jeepers!!


wow some people have no idea what they are taking about, don't you know they make mudset plastic beads ? And you never put staples in plastic beads, has to be mudded or glued. But works good has have their own advantages, altho glue is stronger, taping mud does having glue in it, made for applying mudset types of plastic beads, and if you look at both the mudset and regular bead, there's not much difference. So if you don't know what your talking about, don't say anything.


What a disaster. Never use mud to fasten corner bead. Youre begging for a call back.


Pry the most helpfull drywall finishing video I e saw and I've been studying hard af thanks guys!!!!❤🎉😊


Cameraman it’s not your job to do the commentary. Be quite and let the man who is working do the explaining. NOT YOUR JOB….


Hey man wake up! The guy's working above his head and you're shooting his feet. Hello?


Hey Cameraman, keep the camera on the topic, that would have been so much easier to watch. Thanks. Great job anyway guys. Cheers!


which is the best job plastic or metal also what is the name of the tool used on the corner ???


Nice work. Do you mud over the corner as well. Because I wonder how the mud will stick over it as it is so smooth and almost glassy.


Take off ehh... Ahh, hosehead. Reminds me of Bob and Doug McKenzie! Lol!


What about base trim on the bullnose???? Guess bill doesn’t do trim finishing.
