15 Big Box Retailers At Risk Of Bankruptcy In 2023

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The list of endangered retailers continues to grow this year. Many companies that actually exited bankruptcy in the past are now being threatened by it again, while others that proved resiliency and stability for decades are struggling with debt, weak revenue, and higher competition and may have to shut doors for good in the next few months. Forbes analysts say that a bankruptcy wave was already expected. The only surprising thing about it is that it didn't happen sooner. For many iconic companies, this will be the end of an era. And for many Americans, this crisis will result in some lamentable losses of favorite stores, brands, and products.
For example, after witnessing the bankruptcy and outright collapse of rival Cineworld, shares of AMC dropped by 38% in a single day. During the pandemic, the world's largest movie theater chain became a meme stock and retail investors pushed its stock up more than 1,000%. Unfortunately, from that point on, things have only gone downhill for the entertainment retailer. A series of controversies have emerged, including allegations that Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX may have manipulated AMC stock. More recently, Robinhood warned investors that the company was about to file for bankruptcy – which AMC later said wasn’t true. Well, at least for the time being because conditions continue to deteriorate from the chain. In February, its quarterly loss shot up to $287 million, and overall revenues fell again. The retailer is still in a very vulnerable position, and the current economic challenges may push it over the edge.
Similarly, 130-year-old teen-targeting clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch may actually be in its final year. The impact of inflation in 2022 caused a higher-than-expected plunge in sales and almost 150 store closings. Deutsche Bank analyst Tiffany Kanaga said that the institution is “highly skeptical of Abercrombie’s ability to stabilize its gross profit margin against this competitive mall backdrop.” The retailer is trying to move its operations to online platforms as its brick-and-mortar business falls apart.
Moreover, High-end department store chain Macy’s isn’t new in bankruptcy court. If first filed for bankruptcy in 1992, filing for a second time one decade later, in 2003. If anything, the timing of the filings reveals just how sensitive the company is to economic downturns and this time is no different. In 2020, Macy’s dodged bankruptcy by securing $4.5 billion in financing, but the scenario drastically changed in 2023. In the past few months, the chain has reported store shutdowns, and sales declines both in physical and online stores. A looming change in leadership is also fueling rumors that Macy’s is preparing to go out of business in the coming months.
Once again, JCPenney is on the verge of bankruptcy. In the first quarter of 2020, it filed for Chapter 11 protection to restructure its $4 billion debt, exiting bankruptcy in November, when two firms rescued the department store. Since then, the company hasn’t released financial reports, insisting that it is now on “solid footing.” But data released by Retail Dive shows ongoing volatility under its post-bankruptcy ownership.
The months ahead will be exceedingly difficult for US businesses. This is the time to show support to our favorite brands because they may be gone from our economic landscape before we even notice. The retail collapse has only just begun, and thousands of companies will continue to die right before our eyes. Today, we decided to compile the businesses that recently indicated they may be going out of business by year's end.
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America has changed a lot in the past 40 years. In the 80’s and 90’s, I wore a suit to head to an office. Today, I was wearing shorts and a T-Shirt purchased from Costco.


A cashless society is a dangerous society because You lose your privacy, freedom and democracy.


Taxes, rents and retail theft forcing businesses to close..


Shopping malls… as soon as an anchor tenant fails/ moves, the mall becomes dead 🎉🎉🎉


It's not just AMC Theaters, it's all movie theaters that are struggling


Shut 'em down! Especially the woke ones.


I would not miss a single one of these stores if they completely disappeared. I thought at least half of them were already gone. Nowadays I can go to work dressed 100% in a Ross outfit (top, slacks, shoes, socks, down to underwear) and still look like a million bucks for $100 or less. Many people can't afford designer labels at full price anymore, so the discount stores are killing it while the fancy-schmancy stores are crumbling. I'm just glad I outgrew my materialistic days. My priorities are much, much different now. Don't need to pay $20+ to see a movie in theaters or $100+ to go to a sports game or concert. I'm just as happy taking a long walk and/or hanging out with family and friends.


The world is on the brink of the biblical great tribulation ! Luke 21, 36 KJV


Who can afford to shop at these high end businesses? I’m on disability and I shop at affordable businesses like Walmart, Home Goods, and TJ Maxx. I feel sorry for those who lose their jobs from these establishments, but most people can no longer afford to buy overpriced items anymore.


Ill be honest, I thought more than half on the list was already gone.


Truth is that ALL retailers are in deep doo doo right now and for the foreseeable future.


The title of the video should have read, "15 Big Box stores that have been on a downward spiral for the last 20 years".


"Changing consumer preferences" due to a declining standard of living. This is what class warfare looks like.


Most people are taught that "you only need a good job to become rich". These billionaires are operating on a whole other playbook that many don't even know exists..


AMC.. Who goes to the theater anymore.. Everything that's come out of Hollywood in the past 15 years or more has been pure garbage..


I'm glad I don't have a president who has a trigger-happy hand that signs off blank checks to wage war in countries that it has no business in.


The “American Dream” has always been a nightmare. You have to be asleep to believe in the dream. Let the collapse begin. 😊🎉


The way things have been going for Target over the last couple of weeks, they could potentially be on this list soon.


DAs not prosecuting shop lifters is also leading to store closings. The animals will regret this when there is no place to shop.


K-Mart? K-MART? You serious? There's two K-Marts within 5 miles driving distance either direction of my home. Both....BOTH...went tits up 20+ years ago.
