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We are not securities dealers or brokers, investment advisers or financial advisers, and you should not rely on the information herein as investment advice. We are a marketing company and are paid advertisers. If you are seeking personal investment advice, please contact a qualified and registered broker, investment adviser or financial adviser. You should not make any investment decisions based on our communications. Examples that we provide of share price increases pertaining to a particular Issuer from one referenced date to another represent an arbitrarily chosen time period and are no indication whatsoever of future stock prices for that Issuer and are of no predictive value. Our stock profiles are intended to highlight certain companies for your further investigation; they are not stock recommendations or constitute an offer or sale of the referenced securities. The securities issued by the companies we profile should be considered high risk; if you do invest despite these warnings, you may lose your entire investment. Please do your own research before investing, including reading the companies’ SEDAR and SEC filings, press releases, and risk disclosures. Information contained in this profile was provided by the company that we advertise and extracted from SEDAR and SEC filings, company websites, and other publicly available sources. It is our policy that information contained in this profile was provided by the company, extracted from SEDAR and SEC filings, company websites, and other publicly available sources. We believe the sources and information are accurate and reliable but we cannot guarantee it. On March seventeenth twenty twenty one, in connection with our agreement with Direct Communications Inc., we received three hundred thousand dollars to Gold Standard Media LLC (same owners as Portfolio Wealth Global LLC). This was for a six month agreement. On January twenty first twenty twenty one, in connection with our agreement with Direct Communications Solutions Inc, we received three hundred and fifty thousand dollars canadian to Wealth Research Group LLC. Wallace Hill Partners LTD on December second twenty twenty one purchased three hundred and fifty thousand common shares at one dollar and five cents canadian through a private placement.

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This video never talked about 2G to 4G communications


"A Cop in every Keg" ... No Free Beer for You! 😣
