What I think of THETA crypto

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Question from Patreon member: Regarding THETA. It seems they’ve got strong partnerships, they own a number of key patents, and they’ve continued to build throughout the bear market. The token price has not been reflective of these positive developments, however. What is the project missing that’s keeping it down?
#iaclips #investanswers #theta #cryptotokens #cryptoinvesting

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ETC... All the altcoins go down in this bearmarket. If you invest in a good project you only need patience.


Finally someone actually talking about theta lol


It is clear you only spent about an hour researching it, just as you said. You have no clue what you’re talking about.


have you seen how many US patents they have on their technology?


Ex founder of youtube, an extremely big tech experienced team. Patents through America. Most of America still struggle to buy this coin easily. It's the tech. Everyone's TV/Phone will become a server that can share bandwidth. This is huge and will create flawless video HD video streaming, especially during live feeds. Bandwidth usage is going to be for real once everything is done via computer networks. Ie concerts, sport events, movies, shows, content, computer vision tech.


Theta is down for the same reason Cardano is down and many other alt coins. You have to wait for the alt coin season.


Isn't THETA partnered with GOOGLE, SAMSUNG, and SONY? How much bigger is there?

Also TFUEL is used for payments like bandwidth and computing, not THETA.


Enjoyed reading all the comments below. Blockchain technology related to video streaming is very new. Kind of like investing in the internet in the mid to late 90s. The government is having a hard time just trying to regulate it. I like what Theta is doing. Their team keeps innovating the project and they keep filing for additional patents to add to the ones already granted. I would give blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies at least till 2030. Note: not every internet start up in the 90s made it. So let’s see.


Please explain how theta is centralised and vulnerable to attack? From my research, it's the opposite?


How can they not be unique when they have patents? Doesn't that offset the easy entry into the space?

Also, they have big institutions as part of their portfolio of customers.

Looking forward to your thoughts!


There partners are huge that is who the whales are. Sony, Samsung, (amazon or google) the whales won't sell because theta is a last mile solution for


Interesting this dude says they don’t have big partnerships… they’ve partnered with Sony… unless Sony is small lol


Well so much has changed the last half year with theta. Please look at theta again. It is mindblowing.


It's price is down because it, along with all the other cryptos, have been MANIPULATED DOWN...


Theta is a no brainer get 10k coins sell 2500 at 18$ another 2500 at 25$ another 2500 at 30$ and then keep 2500 for over 50$ lets goooo your welcome !!!


I like Theta but like that this guy is at least honest. So many YouTubers are just cheerleaders. I welcome his views.


I remember bix weir was saying theta was going to 100 dollars a token when it was 4 dollars.


I think this discussion misses the point of theta. It isn’t a decentralized streaming platform. That’s just an example of something it’s able to do. Also the suggestion that Theta token’s price action is related to lack of demand for bandwidth doesn’t track because Theta token is the governance token and it’s not involved in transaction involving use of the edge computing network.
Unlike others on this thread, though, I do agree with your observation that the big partners they DO have are not committed. A lot of people see Sony, Google, and Samsung on the front page and instantly connect some dots that aren’t really there. I have followed Theta since 2019 and those names have always been there—there has never been evidence of any collaborations outside of a Samsung Galaxy launch in South Korea that came pre-installed with some Theta NFT’s and an NFT wallet. I do, however, still think it’s encouraging that those names are willing to be associated with Theta and I believe it lends legitimacy to their endeavor that these brands are, most likely, waiting to see scalable proof of concept with the implied hope of deepening that partnership.
Theta’s ability to network with big players in entertainment so far is also encouraging as it suggests that Theta Labs are looking down the road at all the possibilities their technology could take them. And I don’t meant Katy Perry, although she’s an example—I mean CAA, Lionsgate. It’s a much bigger deal to be interacting with the brands behind the names and they’re the only ones in their lane doing that.


Google, Sony, Samsung are not big names??


I think they kind of did well in the beginning. They really managed to explain their business case and it sounded like it had a lot of potential and they would have a bright future, but the more time passed the more it became obvious, that the people working there are not nearly as professional as the shills made us belief. Infact their management is pretty poor in my opinion. Whenever they make their press statements, they make sure they control the person asking the questions, but even then, they get into stutter if certain questions are asked. Those highly acclaimed advisors are nowhere. The project get's no attention. They are using bots to promote their project with little success ofcourse. They make their money by selling their coins that they were able to produce for free and the bs of NFTs, that are mostly for their benefit and that of the issuer only. Come on! What they are is a big disappointment and nothing else.
