Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave... With Robbie Barwick

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We discuss the latest on Australia Post, and why we need a Post Bank, as well as more deception from politicians and regulators. Robbie gets angry, and I get philosophical!

Robbie Barwick is the Research Director for the Australian Citizens Party.

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (02) 6277 3430
Senator Pauline Hanson (07) 3221 7644

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I admire your passion Robbie and I am completely with you on these issues. I just hope we had a clued up population that would not cast a vote for despicable Liberal or Labor.


I can’t wait until the next election. You are not alone we are all furious with these criminals.


Great to see Robbie getting passionate. Australia needs a few more people to get passionate about the corruption taking place in plain sight. Well done Rob


Love seeing how fired up Robbie is! Goes to show it's not just talk


Your brutal honesty and bravery is to be admired but be careful we need you Robbie


SO nice to hear someone speaking the truth about Morrison. Thanks Robbie!


There shouldn’t be any commercial confidentiality terms for any government contracts. This would allow third parties to assess whether there are any untoward issues hidden away, and allow others to bid as well.


We need to get to the bottom of why all of a sudden Kimberly Kitchin raised the matter of the watches, and Scummo" YOU can go !!! YOU can go !!!! I believe this is all an attempt to destroy any chance of Australia having a public bank . I blame myself and apathetic Australians for allowing low quality people to rise to positions of power


Couldn't agree more regarding Scott Morrison


As a great Australian once said " Maintain the rage", Keep up the good work
Robbie, keep the heat on these corrupt bastards.
Hope your party grows big enough to supplant the identical twin parties so
we can get our country back.


0:58 Lets be clear. Australia does NOT have a banking regulator.


Bring on a political wealth cap. Make politics about the people, not money.
I support a post office bank for the people owned by the people.


Unfortunately in Aust. With a 2 party system of Gov it is impossible for the common man to have good gov. Only way is to vote away from the 2 party system. Hopefully in time these bureaucrats in the system would be weeded out and more liberal thinking ministers installed.


Religious sanctimony?

There is nothing Scotty is doing which reflects his purported religion. It is more to do with Satanism IMO.


Thank you to both of you for keeping the issue of the Postal Bank front and centre of our minds. There is no doubt our big corporate loving government and opposition, are working against the interests of the general population. In the last sixty years our politics have changed from one party serving the interests of the working people and the other broadly serving those who were in business. But in both cases they seemed to have the best interests of the country and the people as a focus. Globalisation has changed all that, major corporations and their greed for money and power has corrupted our system of government, by making donations to politicians and their political parties they now own our political system and the people be damned. We must fight this tyranny!


Our only hope is a large public campaign on how to actually vote, how to make your vote say what you want it it to say.
Grrrr Paul Fletcher


Jesus! Just imagine if someone called for an inquiry into why Prof Nikolai Petrovsky's Covax-19 vaccine was overlooked by the Australian government! (Currently being trialled in Iran, with funding from the US, UK and some other governments). I'm sure Robbie would get super fired up over that as well! Love the passion! Keep it up guys!


Great show! Great discussion! Well done!!


The whole bonus concept is immoral. You receive a salary to do a job. If you do your job properly you keep your job.
I have been pressured to risk the life of people by an individual because they wanted their bonus which was based on the effort of others.
These multi million dollar salaries is not deserved. The financial risk takers aka the business owners should get that and pay tax on the profit. No CEO is worth the exorbitant salaries they receive off the backs of those actually working.
A watch as a bonus regardless of its value is disgusting materialism. A bonus to meet KPIs is an incentive to do your job. How about just keeping your job as a reward for a job well done and a pay cut or career counseling for poor performance?


I can feel Robbies rage through my keyboard! I think pitchka forks are the way to go and a few cracked necks!
