Why does anikin look like Ben stiller💀 GeoVani-ys
Why does anikin look like Ben stiller💀
No can look as badass as a LEGO figure LukeWeldon-hipc
No can look as badass as a LEGO figure
Went from absolutely stunning to beautiful (Lego Anakin is peak) Zippykanobi
Went from absolutely stunning to beautiful (Lego Anakin is peak)
Always remember, she could always turn to the dark side graperiot
Always remember, she could always turn to the dark side
That’s a pretty big insult, I won’t even use it on my worst enemys brendanguy
That’s a pretty big insult, I won’t even use it on my worst enemys
yes (she's) such a cool character lol :) brickwizardstudios
yes (she's) such a cool character lol :)
Have any of y'all realized Anakin looks like that painting of Lucifer 😮 Thomas-sq
Have any of y'all realized Anakin looks like that painting of Lucifer 😮
Bro just said she looks better than she is 💀 ConnorWood-uj
Bro just said she looks better than she is 💀
That’s a tragic place for that black Lego piece to be right near the Yesnobutton
That’s a tragic place for that black Lego piece to be right near the
I thought you were going to show jabba the hut 💀 D-daycorgi
I thought you were going to show jabba the hut 💀
In that case, can I have the lego figure? Icybobloxstuff
In that case, can I have the lego figure?
Why does it stand she when he is a he!!!😂😂😂 NoahcNos
Why does it stand she when he is a he!!!😂😂😂
but its true! my ex always said shes ugly. not true. (its her fault we aint together she broke up with me, im still getting over it a bit) izzywright
but its true! my ex always said shes ugly. not true. (its her fault we aint together she broke up with me, im still getting over it a bit)
my boyfriend just sent me this ❤❤ he is the best scarspar
my boyfriend just sent me this ❤❤ he is the best
Is it just me or is the better version uglier? Thatoneguy-fr
Is it just me or is the better version uglier?
Why does she look like anikin skywalker? NotBruceWayne
Why does she look like anikin skywalker?
So she thinks she looks better then she actually is because the first one is a 10/10 sarasturgill
So she thinks she looks better then she actually is because the first one is a 10/10