KPD releases video of Lisa Edwards' death

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60-year-old Lisa Edwards died after an autopsy shows she suffered a stroke about 15 minutes after officers put her in the backseat of a patrol car.

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We're supposed to be worried about how stressed the officers were when this woman DIED? This *MOTHER* died? This *GRANDMOTHER* died? In the *back of a police cruiser* as she was being accused of faking it? After a hospital absconded it's duty for PROFIT?

We're supposed to care about anything other than this COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE loss of life and pain inflicted upon this family?

This is entirely unacceptable on account of the hospital AND the cops.


No! The "prosecutors" should NOT have cleared anyone's actions, this was evil! Those prosecutors are clearly on the side of those cops! People need to demand further justice on this.


Once the cops place you under arrest, they are responsible for your care. Get an attorney immediately .


The fact that prosecutors cleared this proves if ur a cop ur above the law....that is so wrong


I hope her family sues the daylights in civil court both hospitals and Knoxville Police Department


Yelling at her because she peed in his car. The officers treatment was absolutely sickening. My heart breaks after watching the body cam footage of how this poor woman was tortured before she passed. May God cover her in his arms now. 🙏


The fact that they followed through and gave a trespass charge to a crippled dying woman tells you all you need to know about American policing she literally died in the back of their car before they ever left this woman was fighting for her life and miss treated every step of the way before she died the people involved should be held accountable including the prosecutors who cleared this horrific behavior and the hospital staff who allowed this poor woman to die we all know American health care is a disaster as well.


God save us all. This is so sickening sad .


This is why they say defund/reform the police. This isn’t just a race problem…


Jesus this video brought me to tears. Why don't we care about anyone anymore? I'm so sick of this. The heartlessness of humanity in general is sickening.


I watched the full video on Reddit. This is absolutely heartbreaking. These guys shouldn’t be cops.

Lisa deserved so much better.

To her son: I’m really sorry they treated your mom that way.


“They believed they had a medically stabled” is bull! The police were full of bull and their lawyer is full of bull. They treated that lady with total disrespect. No compassion for another human being whatsoever.


No one for any reason should be treated like this. They need to sue and people need to go to jail.


These cops and doctors who are responsible for this deserve life in prison.


Shame on everyone involved. Including the hospital. And where was her family? Why was she alone being kicked out of the hospital? Why was someone on deaths door being kicked out of the hospital rather than being treated. So yes shame on the officers! Shame on the hospital! Shame on her family! And shame on the news for not hammering the other at fault parties here! Do your job.

I remember when a local hospital tried to throw my dying grandmother out. It is a common problem. Luckily she had family at here side to fight the battle she was too weak to fight.

Maybe when it is your loved one being mistreated by our local hospitals you will wish you had stood up and made a difference when you could have.


The questions are very simple... What tests did the hospital perform to ensure that she was fine and healthy when she was discharged? Why didn't they take her and do additional tests when she refused to leave and stated that she couldn't breath? A person could die of a heart attack but... if you get them the medical care that they need (especially if they're begging for help) that could save their life. Clearly there are serious issues here and I believe that this lady could have been saved if they'd have cared!!!


All involved should be charged! Disgusting


That is so sad and freaking outrageous. Total injustice.


Poor woman. Hope someone who is brave enough to take them on and file charges. Many prayers.


This is horrible! She was at the hospital for goodness sake. I can’t believe that she was treated this way, starting with the hospital who CALLED THE POLICE on her instead of treating her. Why would the police mock her instead of having her checked medically from the beginning? My heart hurts for the poor family. This is horrible!
