Know this before you sign a Power of Attorney

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A power of attorney is used when you want to give someone the right to act on your behalf and in your place. The rights and powers are whatever is written on the document. This video covers the areas that you need to consider so that you can give away only the power that you intend for someone to have.
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It's the spin around in the chair for me


Wow. Things I've never even considered before. Thank you for the better understanding!


I appreciate the way you explain Poa crystal clear thank you for sharing


Thank you for educating people. We need more videos like this. Currently dealing with a sibling that set up an LPA with immediate effect with mental capacity, and no restrictions whatsoever. I'm suggesting to cancel, but the elders are concerned the attorney will state they cannot help them do simple day to day admin such as life insurance and VAT assessments, which I do not believe a powerful document such as this is required. They may keep it active due to fear.


My grandpa made me poa and then got dementia, now hes mean and even made me sign a document that ended up bieng signing over a 100 thousand dollor life insurance policy to someone else.can i call insurance company and sign it back to me


Thanks sweetie 😼 you need to keep posting 📫 You seem like someone who's going to hit them million subscribers. I Seem u haven't posted in awhile 😕 Please don't give up


Question: ()hello and thanks for video) My mom has beginning signs of dementia. She went from my home to my brother for visit. I never thought he'd disregard my mother's wants of returning. He has now begun some actions of being poa when our(mom, me and brother) verbal agreement was for us to work together that I am to have say over what happens with her and to her as well.
I speak to my mom daily. She is being monitored on what she says so she has to sneak and tell me of things that are happening. They are not nice things either!
Mom wants to come back and he will not allow her, he has not allowing other siblings of mine (her children) speak to her and I am being threatened if I talk to anyone of mom I will never speak to her again! My mom never has gotten along with his wife they have gotten in serious arguments or fights in past. She is very ugly with my mom! Keeping her to her room, tells her "get.. Go, go to your room... I don't want you on my couch"
Mom is a little forgetful, but.. walks, exercises, isn't bed ridden at all and he is trying to not let anyone else care for her. Yet wants to put her in a home!! Mom is heart broken and every day begs me to get her! I don't know what kind of hold he has on her but can he legally keep her there if she clearly tells me I don't want to be here, Im not able to live, do anything I'm stuck sitting in a room, no one invites her to go to store, go for a ride or when they go out to dinner they don't take me they leave me by myself in the room and what kind of life is this she says!
This is so wrong, she is not at that point unable to do for herself. What can I do? Legally ? Can I go take my mom if she is verbally saying she don't want to be here anymore, please don't let him put me in a home, I'm not ready to sit and die. She says she still has life to live and enjoy, go to the beach go live and be free! I should be able to love and care for her!! Help please how can I get my mom back W me? Can he do this if there is more family that loves and care for her and would love to care for her!


My brother says he has poa. But won’t show myself and other brother the document. He with drew 60 grand out of my dads account while my dad was in the hospital.


What if the POA tries to fight the revocation by not providing the original document or information about how to find the original document?


Can they change poa on you, sign to someone else after getting dementia


Can we be our own durable power of attorney with a secondary in line, for when or if I become incapacitated, taking away the POA from the government?


I have a trucking business where as the truckers who are driving on the road most of the time have to sign contracts. They need me to sign as their logistics managers/dispatcher. Will the Limited Power of Attorney allow me to sign their signature on paperwork for them on their behalf? Or do I have to sign my name on their behalf?


My husband gave his daughter power of attorney before he died, my husband put his kids on the deed to our house and me, still owe money on it, he has to kids by his first wife and I have two kids, can I put my kids on the deed too.


I have a child was born in Honolulu hawaii..can i get a child power of attorney in a different state?


Soo my I actually signed a paper for power of attorney to my mom and now it's beginning to be bad having her have my money how do I terminate the contract


Does a Florida Lease Aggrement supercedes the "contract to lease" agreement?


Hi I want my visa and money account paged where u check your money abs put money on card abs not someone else


I just turned 18 and my mom wants power of attorney. I’m kind of scared of her. I am of sound mind (top 5% of my high school). She is obsessive and I don’t know what to do


Im going through a situation right now with poa. I have just a couple of questions for you. Do you have an email that I could write to?


Can u help me get my visa back and internet banking back of my father who got my password and number
