Create a LIVING Shade Structure
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It's the end of May, and temperatures are on the rise. We know to expect some extreme heat here pretty soon, and we want to make sure our plants are protected. The past couple of years, we have staked up shade cloth to try to protecy our sensitive trees, like our Carrie mango, and they do work to a certain degree. But we noticed last summer that our plants that received shade from a tree grew sooo much better than our plants that received shade from a 50% shade cloth. We believe this is because the shade trees' leaves help cool down the air and add humidity, all at the same time as providing some shade!
Some plants may require shade their entire lives, and others just need to be babied while they are young. But this year, we wanted to do something a little different. Henry, the Chinese elm in this video, was planted 3 summers ago. He has gotten pretty big and has created a nice overhead canopy for our mango tree, but is still a year or two away from being able to handle this task by himself. So instead of tacking up a plastic meshy shade cloth, we would try creating the same effect using more plants! We are growing cucumbers on a 6-7 foot tall trellis directly west of our mango tree to provide her some shade from the late afternoon sun. An added bonus? Cucumbers! :D
Do any of your plants require afternoon shade? What steps do you take to help make sure your trees thrive through the summer? Let us know in the comments!
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