How to keep your Cannabis Grow-Room well Ventilated!

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How to make sure your grow room is well ventilated.

There are three good reasons why you need to make sure your grow room is well ventilated.

First, your cannabis plants need a continuous supply of fresh carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.
Your plants need carbon dioxide, light and water to convert into food.

Second, they also need to respire, to breathe, in order to turn glucose and oxygen into energy to promote growth.

Lastly, a stale, musty and humid environment will become a breeding ground for pests and disease.
If you are new to growing cannabis, you may not have realized just how much heat your grow lights can give off, especially if you use metal halide or high-pressure sodium lamps.

Add to that the amount of water your cannabis plants will sweat into the air as it transpires up from the roots and through the stems into the leaves.

To combat this problem, fresh air should come in at the bottom of your grow tent, and stale air extracted from the top.

Circulation is most efficient with that set-up as hot and humid air will naturally rise to the top of the grow tent anyway.

To calculate the size of extractor fan you will need, you have to calculate the volume of your grow tent, and then buy an extractor fan with the appropriate CFM, which stands for cubic feet per minute.

So, if your grow tent measures four foot in length by two feet in width by five feet in height, the volume would be 40 cubic feet and you would need a fan with a 40 CFM rating.

You then have the option of installing an oscillating fan to ensure that the whole tent is well ventilated and combine this with a passive air intake vent at the bottom.

Alternatively, you can use an active intake vent which incorporates a fan within it which draws a steady stream of air into the tent.

If you use an active intake vent with a fan, you need to ensure that the CFM of your intake fan is slightly less than that of your extractor fan, to create negative air pressure in your grow tent.

That way you will be able to regulate the temperature, humidity and CO2 levels.

Finally, we recommend you attach an active carbon filter to your extractor fan to remove any of the tell-tale smell coming from your plants’ terpenes.

Of course this isn’t specific to a “grow tent” and the same theory can be applied to any “grow room” to maximize the plants chances of success, and of course if you enjoyed this video do like and subscribe so you too can become a cannabis expert!

I don't use a carbon filter so keeping the pressure negative in my grow room is essential to keeping the smell from entering the rest of the house. Note I can smell my grow two houses down but here in Canada its legal and its all good!


The fan will also make the stems stronger & ready for heavy buds


Hey I’m first great vid I’m updating my grow area 💯


You guys are doing a great job I like the videos keep them out please


Bloody hell, i've been having the fan facing more down at the plant for few hours at a time


when the plants are sleeping do you still have to use the ventilation and fans


Ok that bothers me as a chemist. 0:21 CO2 is a linear Molecule ( O=C=O ) and doesn’t have a angle like the Water Molecule. I don’t know why so many pictures of co2 molecules are depicted with a bent in the molecule (google images) but it is not correct.

It is not a serious issue, just a pet peeve of mine. Hope everyone who reads this has a great day.


Can someone answer me this . Is it better to have 2 exhaust fans or 1 with the equivalent cfm3? I’m considering buying either 2 at 1400cfm each or 1 at 2800cfm, I wanted just the one but realised it would be much heavier to install but then I started wondering if I had 2 they Would possibly fight against each other?


I tried doing this before, than my girlfriend made it drop below 60 at night because it was getting "too hot". She still cant grasp the fact you cant do that to plants.


Are you saying if I make pressure in the room the Co2 will be higher?


If i use big room 15m2 with window to grow 4x autoflowers did i must use ventilator all the time or just when they start flowering?


It’s really hot in my garage and no place to exhaust it! Can I draw the warm air in and pull it out the top? Will that help cool down my tent


Can I get my pot out periodically in the sun and an airy spot then put it back in the room !?
Is that favorable


I'm not a grower but I assume that no one uses old lights anymore. All led anumore


Can i just leave the grow tent doors open ?
