Luke Holland - Skrillex - Dirty Vibe Drum Remix

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Luke Holland, 21 years old! I'm from Peoria, Arizona. This is my drum remix of Skrillex's 'Dirty Vibe', which I wrote probably almost a year ago. Just never had the confidence to film a cover of it, then one day decided I would! This was filmed at The Nile Theatre in Mesa, Arizona, a massive thank you to Sanford for making that possible. Also, listen to those new Meinl Byzance Extra Dry Dual cymbals! They look as amazing as they sound.

The audio was recorded & mixed by Master Cameron Mizell of Chango Studios.
All cinematography was done by Matt Johnson.
Using my beautiful DW Collector's Series drum kit.
I am self taught!


Twitter/Instagram - @LukeHollandd
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Absolutely fantastic. More grooves than the Grand Canyon.


I miss Jeremy Tremp. Not that these videos aren't killer, I would just rather watch the video with having to turn my head and feel like I'm dizzy. Still killed it Luke!


this is insane. I cant even fathom how well you can interpret drum parts in songs. You are truly an inspiration to say the very least.


I love how Luke is never satisfied and continues to push himself and his talents forward.


Man seriously I am so jealous in the most flattering way, like there are so many drum covers on youtube and a few popular channels. I really only watch you and Cobus Potgieter. I do not compare you guys, but I love more technical songs and drumming and you post more covers of that nature than Cobus. 

Secondly, anyone who would ever give you negative criticism has no grounds to give it, like dude you are literally one of the most solid drummers in the world, you're the same age as me and you're already better than 40 and 50 year old professionals. You do such complex and technical rhythms, and NAIL IT, you incorporate the best stick tricks I've ever seen and it doesn't hinder your ability to stay on beat, you stay clean and the mix is always perfect.

With drumming though it's always a passion and you feel it, you know what you want to add to the song you're playing to, you have a vision ahead of time, it's visceral, it's intuitive and you can always tell if someone has it. You sir are at the level where you can play exactly what you hear in your head and you nail it, you already have a lot of praise but seriously, I love the more hardcore songs you cover, and if you did more mainstream stuff you'd have even more viewers, but that's not the point. 

I just made this account to comment, but I've been following you for awhile man. Mad props, you are such an extremely solid drummer, no sloppiness, not that I even think about that because I'm so paying attention to how you're expressing the song but while there are good "technical" drummers, you are a musician. I don't think there's anything you can't play and you seriously inspire thousands of people including myself. It's always exciting to watch someone that has such synchronicity between the music and their approach to the music. You seriously are going to be one of, if not THE BEST, drummer, in some respects, in the world.


Perfect example of always pushing yourself. Some people just accept that they're good enough, and stop pushing to explore new things. Luke doesn't I have watched him since the beginning push and progress over the years it is simply incredible. He also pushed me to become a better player. Keep killing it and never stop learning until you can't play no more.


Luke's presence of playing in the pocket is respectable. Always love the technicality and the musicianship here. Great transitions interacting with back and forth flow.


there is a million people just doing raw drum covers. i appreciate that he takes the time to make a good quality video. my wife isnt a drummer and she loves to watch these videos. when i want technique training Luke has those videos also.
keep up the phenominal drumming bro you keep me inspire to keep going at my craft. thanks


Only you, Luke, can keep my attention through all of a dubstep song. Great job, brother.


Luke is were being honest here you are one of the BEST drummers out there you are actually my inspiration to start learning how to play. People can hate on the song, lyrics, camera angles for some reason but they should just focus on how AMAZING of a drummer you are babe no joke 💕


I have become addicted to watching your videos. I am honestly convinced that you are some form of super-human. Like a double wand-wielding wizard because what you do is practically magic.


I didn't think it was possible to love you anymore than I already do! You are such an inspiration Luke Holland. STAY AMAZING!!!


These two last videos kinda sets a new standard for future drum covers... Just great!


I could watch him smack those sticks around for hours. 5 years later & I'm still swoon over him & his talent. Lawd 🤤


While watching this video, I was thinking to myself the whole time how much I hated the cinematography in this video, but I didn't know if I should say anything about it. But now looking at the comments, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way :)
Solid work, as always, on the drumming. Not so much so for the video itself.


Literally expected CL to come out and start rapping her part because that would be fucking EPIC!! Either way this was fucking insane!!


Killer drumming as usual. Your creativity is incredible. The cinematography is really high quality but to me it's more like a music video than a drum cover. I like being able to see everything you're doing in one shot. Still you did great job though


beyond amazing. I love it when you add drums to tracks that don't normally have one and this by far is one of your bests


Holy shit Luke this is next level stuff right here. Screw those people complaining about the camera angles! This is sick, obviously you aren't going to film all of your covers/remixes in this style, so it's an awesome change of pace. 

Honestly one of your best covers dude! I'm always so impressed!


Hey Luke, I just wanted to say that I seriously love the way you play. You're super clean, tidy and you've got serious power. The fact that you remix these types of songs and can make them 50x better is just pure awesome. Could you please post more videos about your patterns and fills please? Thank you
