How To Know Your True Friends - Jordan Peterson

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How To Know Your True Friends - Jordan Peterson

Psychology professor Jordan B. Peterson proposes a simple set of tests to find out who really is your friend.

This is only a small excerpt of Jordan Peterson's lecture “2017 Personality 21: Biology & Traits: Performance Prediction” held at the University of Toronto. You can watch it entirely here:

Jordan Peterson

➤➤Video Sources:
2017 Personality 09: Freud and the Dynamic Unconscious - Jordan Peterson

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Haveing just one true friend among all thoes fake ones is priceless..Good video !


The main thing is to be honest with yourself and be able to accept the fact that not all of our "friends" are actually such.


A friend will help you move. A good friend will help you move a body.


surround yourself who want the best of you, and for you


This is on our thinking wealth & popularity afford responsibilities as opposed to backbone. Just a little side dish.

⛓️ #Putin #self #worth #shown #by #low #value #for #lives #of #others ..#his #having #been #agreed #with #so #much that people became like titles to him, afforded if not with wealth then with their own or otherwise others perceptions of him.

..Writing philosophy these days at other account , I'm offered little advice, neither agreed with or disagreed with, & so for my own & readers peace of mind ..with what limited life experience I have I find myself playing devil's advocate against my work myself in order to weigh if & how much of what I'm writing's true like I'd thought on initially writing it. I show working out for everything my drawing comparisons produces, confessing you a reader may not like all I write, being a philosopher writing all sorts of things won't tend to like all they write either. being it matters to me what comes out of my mouth & I should not like to deceive or mollycoddle to god-complex anyone who's word matters to them.

Putin. What dictator, who's think-tank hasn't the mind of a whole one person other than him between them to disagree with him so that he'd then have to convince them, will not himself have contested his ideas & plans based on them, & in his mind have ended what war he'd undertaken again, & again, & again? If the a man who keeps up a war he's begun is the same man who'd begun the war, & the same to had ended it, would only mean they'd not have known at any point whether or not wrong all along? Who starts a war who cannot tell one thing from another ..but one who cannot tell one thing from another? *Sighs*. Who let's them?

A person or government who think wealth affords people more responsibilities, will also think it affords them not to weigh what they do & who they know for risk of snowball effect, &, affords them to let more people down. The 2nd & 3rd privileges, the dead giveaway that what would afford extra responsibilities with their titles probably wouldn't be wealth. When responsibilities become so much they became problems with additional problems not been accounted for, the person or government pounce at what move that do not look like their problems, you, their people, thinking well if it isn't wealth that affords people responsibilities then it must be popularity. They not having stitched unthread stitches time, don't tend to be who then go on to stitch any nine henceforth (just to learn lessons for what not known they'd need answer for), set after who close to them to alter their viewpoints & perceptions.

Don't think "This role model, who's problems would probably be all the problems he'd have ..wouldn't bargain with who he knows whom one would dread losing most if were all they had left." The dictator who's cruelty's greater thinking a person/people his of his own, will bargains with those people for their perception of him, being there are just more people only helping who conveniently in their reach to adjust the perceptions of who we are & what we're doing for their approval &/or leeway, or gifts given, or society to enter in with to enter others as from, than there are people dangling for that approval & leeway. Share in their illusion & bind in agreement with them that brutal actions of theirs against another is logical, or see what the one everyone's saying makes 'all the sensible decisions' (obviously for leverage beneath him) does when angry. When who're meant to be in charge are only helping who're in their reach, as well as frown like the average dangler looking like who of anyone really needs & would appreciate help, perhaps think.. 1. Perhaps their frown spells they've not really done their homework to be acting in charge of rules over anyone for anyone to have leverage beneath, & 2. You might be the very only homework they ever set out to do.

Who think wealth & popularity not backbone affords people titles, do they think safety in numbers offers subsequent safety at a distance needed to angrily throw all they have & take all able to, for at such distance it's easy for any typical bystander not to assume that who threw so much mightn't be able to (or wouldn't dare) tell everything from nothing let alone intentionally between any two things well enough not to have kept something a little extra for later they'd not thrown as yet up their sleeves? Will who reared with god complex over-agreed with, ultimately be dissatisfied they're really loved & stand to inflict great pain in the mistreatment of someone/people in their grasping in angst onto what theirs they're not sure really belong to them (they need to be adored by to tell), whilst looking as though 1st & most & if possible the any to be being inflicted & so must be being mimicked in the downplaying of (so to conceal) actions must have been taken out against them. (Disclaimer. Mind Ark is a charter boat. RACQ home & boat insurance recommended.)

Though we all know that just a little support offered us might be all we need to manage better, & that just little mistreatment may be all that 'breaks the camels back', would who had thought money afforded people their extra responsibilities forget this, & rather treat us like they do their titles ..both like possessions to afford & retain with more people if not wealth what had afforded what titles in the first place. Thinking maintaining others positive opinions about us is what anyone in charge of anything must need to do to remain in power ..the not prioritising responsibilities by risk, the failing, & the letting so many people down as a consequences, only makes the titles earnt which they look as though they manage being so unable to worth the every penny spent for their titles. Forgetting our tolerance for mistreatment the safer at a distance they feel when safe in their numbers, do they forget any of us be people at all, & thinking us either supporter or not treat people so cruelly to feel in what least bit affected by a mistreatment of another who doesn't consider another a person they can. Does anyone unable to tell one thing from another, reared with god complex been agreed with too much, attack as though automatically who look as though last been in any wrong place at wrong time to had been mistreated, which might have benefitted a tribe of ol who might want to know if one of them look like someone natural to mistreat, but due to a tribes primary bullies becoming less able to tell they'd been who'd last mistreated a person they attack again, the higher rank they are, I'm not sure such primative way to any modern tribes heart would be sustainable.

Is being able to base all they've become above others ..on their identity among who treat them right however wrong they are, just to feel little any which way, supplementary to the pain humiliation would cause such person if they distinguished twixt two things, said they didn't like something not just because saying "I don't like" appears the more considered thing to do, & lost the power over (& the cover of) who've long desensitized to an uninhibited hitting each other over the tops of one another ..who along with them also cannot tell enough apart not to allow & even support mistreatment, between them or toward any other besides.

To edit & brief. All I write is free.✍️🙂✨


My childhood “Friends” were also my childhood bullies. Walking on eggshells was like my default state, trying constantly to “Not say something stupid”, and I was constantly scolded for saying something stupid…then ironically also scolded if I was being too quiet (What the hell is your problem, Talk!!). In certain ways I will never be normal because of it. I think it’s why I’m a loner, it made being alone a state of relief for me, and I still think that relief through being alone never went away.


I wouldn't know. Never found one yet..🤔


Agreed & Shared !!!
Thank you !!!
Most people won't be honest & the bottom line is we need to help each other !!!
#PeopleMeanMoreThanMoney !!!
I've always done this
