After so many overgrown shear videos, this is a great example to show your viewers how simple and short a shear is SUPPOSED to be if it's done on a correct schedule.
You know I'll probably never actually own sheep, but watching you shear a whole bunch has confirmed for me that these Jacobs are definitely my favorite. I'm processing two Jacob fleeces right now for hand spinning and they are just awesome to work with. Pretty markings, fun colors, not too much lanolin, nice staple length, and easy shearing. What's not to love?❤
Love seeing Katie's smile of satisfaction as she sets the sheep free with a few loving pats.
Well done. ❤
Wow! That fleece is so dark underneath!!! Gorgeous!
It's amazing that it looks like he has a brown fleece, but underneath is a gorgeous black
When the rhythm starts going, the fleece gonna start flying, so keep clear folks. This fleece doesn't have the same matted problem, thank goodness for that. Keep up the great work 😊💪🏼🐏
so pretty 🥹 the happy little trot at the end like "thank you!!!" shows this cutie's accustomed to exactly the shearing frequency they deserve!! ♥
Beautifully done such gorgeous colors! That baby has got to feel so much better! 😉☺️🫶🫵👍
Thank you for sharing your craft with us. So interesting and something I would never have known about
Great job girl as always! Thank you so much, my aunt had a farm so I'm a bit of a farm girl but raised in the city most of the time. I never heard of four horns on sheep blows my mind, thanks much
Never gets old watching that beautiful fleece come off.😊
Love how you take care of the animals!❤
Her white tail with that beautiful black coat! What a pretty and calm girl 🖤
It's so completely satisfying to watch such a skilled professional at work! What you do is important and I love the happy smile and happy sheep at the end.
Good morning ❤ fantastic job as always.. I love how you share your knowledge about the animals.. especially that they need to be done every year ...some twice a year. .❤
I have learned a lot from watching your videos thanks for sharing
Look at that black fleece!! As usual quick and sweet!
Beautiful job, and so satisfying to watch!
Im from Wales in the UK and I just found your channel. You are wonderful- relaxing to watch, informative to listen to and so in tune with the animals. Thank you and your wife for all your posts xxx
It’s almost therapeutic watching, seeing their fleece come off and so quickly…… can you imagine the relief these sheep feel after it’s done!! 🥵😅