Sadhguru answers - Is there an afterlife?

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Sadhguru answers about death and afterlife in this video.
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We’re a soul having a physical experience, the soul doesn’t die so it clearly means there’s way more than the life on earth.


There’s life after death but he doesn’t want to go against the nature, nature doesn’t want us to know it when we’re on the earth otherwise we would have known it.


Where and what exactly was his answer?


Why doesn’t he ever actually answer a question?


reincarnation (return has same identity and memory) is not mathematically possible, 117 billion unique individuals already died and there is only a little over 7 billion of people to day, where are the bodies for all those 110 billions of missing souls? is there a line?

if you say information, knowledge that is stored in our living electromagnetic running configuration, like Wi-Fi network protocols can be stored and travel outside of its original hardware, the moment that is traveling, the configuration is not running thus the system does not exist, is "dead"

peers(hardware) don't require to be exact copies to run same configuration nor use the same type of technology (architecture)

the living electromagnetic running configuration in our brains constantly broadcast in Realtime all its processes through space time, if this broadcast is being picket up and replicated somewhere else, in this context is not impossible, as matter fact would more less explain the flashback experience in death, where the sudden and fast flash of information not only is a last effort to search in memory any information that could solve the critical error (death) but also at the same time in preparation for its failure, is being "uploaded", "compressed for back up" before it shutdown completely.

the living electromagnetic running configuration at its base is just a unique sequence that can be generated in many forms of matter and energy, in this isolated system that is the universe, every complete reaction will make every element form the same pattern and this is only a matter of time and inevitable, based on same principle humans being a complete solution, the replication of the exact same unique sequence in eternity is inevitable.

if this is instant, how long it takes, if is guaranteed to happen to everyone(some OS never develop a backup/reboot system) or that the unique sequence is being rendered in the exact hardware profile (same sack of meat) no one can guarantee, what is possible to guarantee is if any unique sequence is to be stored and rendered outside of current hardware, it will not be current user definitions, applications but a formatted version with no user imprint, all previous data is accessed outside of the new system, is like difference between having 15 and 51, the 15 year old no longer exists only the 51 remains but the being is the same even if now totally different
