Movember's Global Action Plan - Prostate Cancer: Biomarkers

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The Movember Foundation often found that prostate cancer researchers worked in silos, on similar projects, unaware of or unable to work with researchers in other countries. This has had the effect of slowing down scientific advancement that would benefit men with prostate cancer. In response, The Movember Foundation launched the Global Action Plan (GAP), bringing researchers from across the globe to work together and collaborate on specific projects.
In this project we have assembled a team of 150 expert researchers from across 15 countries, working together to examine biomarkers - from blood, urine and tissue, with the aim of developing better tests to measure the severity of the disease within individual patients.

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I have been dealing with prostate cancer for 4 years, and I would like to see a very serious collaborative effort to make genomic mapping of tumour and free ranging prostate cancer cells in blood, become part of standard diagnostic procedures. Is anyone with Movember in Canada, and specifically in BC, working on organizing the effort to achieve this? I would be very interested in being a part of the effort.
