Understanding the big 'M' and finding healthy ways of coping, with Sara Brinn-Johnson

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Imagine feeling useless, scared, helpless and paranoid. Then pair that with panic attacks and relentless crying, but you have no idea why or what is happening. That is what Sara was feeling when menopause started for her at age 50. She was completely unprepared for the symptoms that often come along with this normal stage of life.

Sara knew she needed to better understand what was going on and find healthy ways of managing the symptoms. She started researching and talking to her doctor about treatment options. When she started a menopause support group at work, she discovered that many women struggle in silence, reluctant to raise the issue of menopause in the workplace.

Through Sara’s personal journey, she has become passionate about educating others on the effects of menopause and helping women feel more comfortable talking about their own experiences.

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