how to play the E chord. How to play the E major chord on the guitar

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How to play or resolve issues with the 'E' major guitar chord.
This is a very clear, simple explanation of how to play the E chord or as it is also known 'D' major chord on the guitar.
This is a very clear, simple guitar lesson on how to play the guitar. I have uploaded free guitar lessons on most of the important beginners guitar chords, I have done the majors, minors, sevenths and minor 7th guitar chords. I will continue to make and upload new guitar lessons every week as long as it is worth while and people continue to watch.
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If you are looking for a specific guitar lesson or a guitar tutorial on any particular chord or chords, I have arranged all my chord tutorials into an easy to search page so you can find the guitar chord you need quickly and easily so please visit the following tablet and mobile device friendly site.
or to go straight to the chords
This is a very clear, simple explanation of how to play the E chord or as it is also known 'D' major chord on the guitar.
This is a very clear, simple guitar lesson on how to play the guitar. I have uploaded free guitar lessons on most of the important beginners guitar chords, I have done the majors, minors, sevenths and minor 7th guitar chords. I will continue to make and upload new guitar lessons every week as long as it is worth while and people continue to watch.
Please like and subscribe . . . thank you.
If you are looking for a specific guitar lesson or a guitar tutorial on any particular chord or chords, I have arranged all my chord tutorials into an easy to search page so you can find the guitar chord you need quickly and easily so please visit the following tablet and mobile device friendly site.
or to go straight to the chords